the Night of Sunday was detonated tear gas at utestaden Downstairs in Bergen. – Tankelaus way, ” says general manager Frank Females. He scroll up to 10,000 dollars in bounty to get a grip on them, ought also.
At 01.49 on the night of Sunday was the police announced about the tear gas on the utestaden Downstairs in the centre of Bergen. Hostande man was then on the way out of the venue, and police, fire and ambulance were tilkalla to the place. Downstairs was thus evacuated around 150 people.
Tear gas poured out utestad in the centre
Sunday afternoon informing the police to BT that they still are unsure who performed the tear-stunt.
do you Know anything about the incident? Send SMS/MMS to 2211 or e-mail to!
Bounty for information
to fakka they ought also, has general manager Frank Females taken the matter in their own hands. He vow en a bounty of 10.000 nok for the opplysingar which leads to that they who stood behind the host taken.
It was the NRK who first mentioned the bounty.
– If not we utlovar such a bounty, we most likely never know for whose who did it. Although after omstenda went fine in the night, it could have been dangerous with a stronger dose. It could have developed worse, the victory of Females to BT.
– Tankelaus way
Opplysingar about the incident can be addressed to the police directly on telephone 02800 or via the facebook page to the Downstairs.
Police talked with a whole bunch of young after the episode, and not to come any closer to the suspects. We are interested in tips from people in the suit, says politioverbetjent Ove Fotland at the Western police district.
No one was badly hurt by the detonated tåregassen night to Sunday.
They who would had come in again after a kvarters time to varma. Some had also brought the jackets their. General manager Frank Females was even in the room and helped.
– Me in the panic yesterday, ” he says.
What think you about this type of behavior?
The witness if the poor oppdraging and tankelaus way.
Sjokkgranater and tear gas against protesters in Brazil
Pointed out a suspect
It is Upstairs AS that drive both Fotballpuben and utestaden Downstairs in Bergen.
Females think they went missing out of the 5000-10.000 in salsinntekter as a result of the tåregassen.
– Why have you seen bounty of 10,000 dollars?
– Well, 10.000 nok is a lot of money for a 18-year-old. May be there is somebody in that environment which has done it. We had identified two suspects of a different guest, but he disappeared in the volume. So we went missing out of a any witness.
According to the Females will the police have interacted with the two guests, who will have a seat at the uteserveringa and joints when the venue was evacuated.
– They denied having done it, tells the daily leader.
Know att CS-smell
Tear gas, or CS gas, is first and foremost very irriterande for luftvegane, and it may sting sharply in his eyes. In certain cases he can give permanent injuries and in the worst case lead to death.
It was in the beginning uncertain of what had redeemed them acute suffering among the guests at the utestaden. Quickly knew the police again the smell of CS-gas, which typically is used by both the armed forces and the police.
I have no overview of the extent of the damage, but fines are the most appropriate, ” says politioverbetjent Ove Fotland about a possible straffereaksjon.
A politipatrulje was working on the place, and ended at half past four the night of Sunday.
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