Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ask kronprinsessen explain the push-refsen: – Being accused of something without knowing … – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): In a letter posted on the kongehusets web pages, reprove crown princess Mette-Marit the press treatment of her son, Marius Borg Høiby.

Kronprinsessen writes that the last few years “have been marked by a development that I, as a mother, of course, would be without. Marius has been exposed to a pressure from parts of the Norwegian press, I mean not them worthy”.

What media she is aiming for, or what constitutes this development, she writes not.

request statement

sorry Nils E. Øy, acting general secretary of the Norwegian press association and one of Norway’s foremost experts on press ethics.

Kronprinsessens information to the press: - La Marius være in peace

- It must be completely okay that a mother is sending out a letter with a similar message. Both that one the complaints of the press and encourage them to not bother him, is fair enough. It I on my side, sorry, is that it is not specified what this is about, ” says the Island, which for many years was the leader of the Norwegian association of Norwegian editors.

Island therefore kronprinsessen about to get on the court and say what media she mean when she writes “parts of the Norwegian press”. Furthermore, ask the Island about a description of what these media have done to constitute the negative developments she describes.

- Then the press and the public respond to it and consider it. The situation as it is now is that the Norwegian media are being accused of something without it being specified what, ” says the experienced pressemannen.

Deputy secretary general of the Norwegian association of Norwegian editors, Reidun Kjelling Nybø, parts Øys desire for a consolidation of the criticism that is set forth in the letter.

- Specifically, criticism is always much easier to relate to, ” says Nybø, who in a post on redaktørforeningens websites advocated for dialogue with kronprinsessen and the royal family about the criticism.

Nybø open, consequently, to arrange a meeting between Norwegian editors and kronprinsessen.

Meeting with the royal couple

Nils E. Island was even present at a meeting under the auspices of the Oslo association of Norwegian editors a few years back where the royal couple attended.

ETIKKEKSPERT: Nils E. Øy is the acting secretary general of the Norwegian press association. He believes the Norwegian press mainly has treated the royal family in a good way. Photo: Berit Roald / Scanpix Show more

- In the connection took Mette-Marit word, and came with a plea to the press to be gentle in the coverage of kronprinsbarna. The henstillingen, I think the Norwegian press has followed. There are few countries in the world that has treated the royal family children as nicely as Norway has done and is doing, ” says Island.

There is a review of Carl-Erik Grimstad, expert on press ethics and an associate professor at the College in Kristiania (oslo), parts. He thinks it is a sunnhetstegn by the Norwegian press and the Norwegian royal family – that the press has taken of the royal family occasional calls to act gently.

But one does not come away from that he all the time has been referred to as a full member of the royal family – and it is the country’s most public family, ” says Grimstad.

Removed the biography of Marius

until tonight namely the Borg Høiby, which fills 20 years in the morning, had a separate biography page of castle’s website – a clue for the press when they have argued why one should be able to talk about the Borg Høiby.

ETIKKEKSPERT: Carl-Erik Grimstad points out that Marius Borg Høiby herself has sought out the public eye when he shall explain why the press refer to him. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix Show more

The biography was removed in the evening, a selection of the crown princess-the son’s desire to keep a low profile in the Norwegian media, told Marianne the Garden, the castle’s head of communications to the Newspaper earlier in the evening.

- Both Marius and his family must reckon with the fact that the press is relatively vigilant in regards to his lifestyle in the public sphere, even though the press has nothing to do with his private life. It must also be said that Marius Borg Høiby also even have sought out the public, outside the confines of the royal family, including as a statist in a TV series, says Grimstad.

He is aiming for a statistrolle Borg Høiby had in the popular ungdomsserien “Shame”.

Why is not the media named the

the Castle’s communications manager, Marianne the Garden, says to Dagbladet that there are no special events or stories about Marius Borg Høiby that make up the media development crown princess Mette-Marit reviews with negative sign.

- What is the scope of coverage of the Borg Høiby that increases. Parts of the celebrity-press enter page up and page down about him, regardless of the nyhetsinnholdet. There is a tendency that he quite explicitly does not want, and where kronprinsessen now ask the press about that that desire is followed, ” says the Garden to the Newspaper.

SCOPE: There is scope in the coverage of Marius Borg Høiby, which represents the development crown princess Mette-Marit describes with the negative sign, explains the castle’s head of communication Marianne Hagen. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix Show more

She does not want to name the media that are included in the kronprinsessen reviews as “parts of the Norwegian press”, and repeat facing the Newspaper that the letter from Mette-Marit was among other things supposed to be a celebration of the son’s role and desires.

- It is a clarification of what the Borg Høiby even want, namely a low media profile, and courtly and Borg Høibys thoughts about his role in the royal family in the future. He should not have own mission on behalf of the crown.

Kommunikasjonssjefen noting that crown princess Mette-Marit is happy with large parts of the Norwegian press.

- Nils E. Island have also certainly seen that the kronprinsessen first and foremost would like to thank the Norwegian press to have treated the Borg Høibys youth with wisdom, says the Garden.

About the specific role of the Borg Høiby had in “Shame,” answers the Garden the following:

He was in a scene in the series because this is his friends from his environment and from russebussen his.

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