According to the Campaign remains around 50 man-years in the ongoing kuttprosessen in the TV 2. A further 15 man-years to be removed in the next round.
As the 50 man-years do not lend themselves to cutting by means of voluntary solutions, is TV 2 come even a step closer to redundancy. 10-15 journalists and fotoredigerere shall be among those who can be dismissed.
on Monday at 12 o’clock to the Norwegian Journalistlags Club 2 keep a allmøte for the NJ-organized the employees of the media house, writing Campaign. Later Monday to klubblederne meet the management to get the latest on nedbemanningen.
Read more about the background for the “TV 2 in 2020″ here: TV 2 alerts cut 350 million
This week, those who are inserted in the new organization, get information about it, and those who are not inserted in the TV 2 receive information about it. In advance of it, we have chosen to have a allmøte for all, to go through what is going to happen this week, what to think, and what we can do going forward, ” says the deputy chairman of Stone Akre in redaksjonsklubben to the Campaign.
He fears that the management has deviated ansiennitetsprinsippet in so many cases that it will get subpoenas.
One-to-one meetings
club manager Henrikke Helland says to the Journalist that they through the assembly want to prepare the members on the week ahead. The colleagues who are kompetansekartlag shall, in the course of the days to come in the one-to-one meetings with their managers. Here, they get the information if they are to continue in their job, whether they are intended for new roles or if they are redundant.
Helland says that the board of directors as a result of this will be in the beredsskap through the week and will be available for individual after the team has been in talks.
the club manager tells at the same time in the course of the last week have got the management to get them in the face at two points. First through that overtalligheten is somewhat reduced.
– They have achieved something, if not everything. We are very grateful for. Fewer are thus in danger of losing their jobs.
In addition, the offer of a severance package to employees who are notified that they are redundant. This will not be higher than the previous sluttpakken, but will have a different structure.
– It will have a more social character than the previous one. Among other things, through several months of garantilønn above bonus.
NJ is located is also connected and is prepared for what comes. Klubb2 will treat each case individually. Helland says that the club will assist the individual.
Comment: No and no, TV 2. What is it that you think of?
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