Friday, December 30, 2016

NOTE-notice – several boats set – Sunnmørsposten

The Norwegian meteorological institute has sent out a NOTE warning for several counties along the coast, between the second Møre and Romsdal and Sogn and Fjordane.

Friday and the first part of Saturday is expected to be the major nedbørmengder in Western norway south of Stad. Friday and Saturday is expected a strong wind in the county of Møre and Romsdal and Trøndelag, type

Several boats are set until further notice because of the storm:

  • Hareidruta, which runs between Hareid, Valderøya and Ålesund.
  • Nordøyruta, which runs between Ålesund and Harøya.
  • Langevågruta, which runs between Langevågen and Ålesund.
  • Southbound fast passenger ferry from Selje to Bergen are delayed because of the weather conditions, opt Norled.

Regnværet has created problems in several places. In Ålesund, the fire department had to pump out water from several flooded buildings, and they encourage people to check the drains around their houses, to avoid that water penetrates into. Among other things, can the leaves prevent the water given free passage in slukene.

do you Have tips about the weather, the closed routes or roads? Send to 95400400 /


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