Monday, June 1, 2015

Ready for køkaos in Oslo: Journey of 7.4 kilometers you take you four hours – TV 2

– This is painful for many, admits Rikke Brouer-Wangen in NPRA to TV 2.

It is eastbound race that closed Monday. The closure means reduced capacity and long queues of Tuesday morning.

Ring 3 is encumbered with long queues every day even with all four lanes in operation. When two of them shut down, it’s a good idea to locate your bike or take any other action to take forward.

Four hours at seven kilometers

– If no change travel way, it can take up to four hours to drive between Sinsen and Smestad said Brouer-Wangen.

The distance is 7 , 4 km land and takes under ten minutes to drive according to Google Maps.

Smestad tunnel will be upgraded as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation of the capital’s metro system. Much work to be done, and for Smestad tunnel part will work take a year.

At the end of the eastbound run to open to traffic while westbound run closed . The works will be completed next summer.

battery electric vehicles must yield

Road Administration has built a separate collective pathways past Smestad tunnel, and there are restrictions in place for electric vehicles in public transport lanes.

– What we do to to facilitate accessibility for buses and emergency services during the construction period, says project Hilde Ulvik.

Public transport priority with separate lanes on the stretch, highlighting Routes .

200 tunnels repaired

It is However, not only in Oslo there may be traffic congestion over the next few years.

Between 2015 and 2019, the Public Roads Administration rectify 200 tunnels in the country. These are tunnels with a length of 500 meters on the national road network.

These are examples of improvement works across the country:

  • Better ventilation for expelling smoke. Better fire safety, new fire extinguishers and well-marked emergency exits.
  • Emergency communication with direct contact to the road traffic controllers.
  • Control systems so tunnels closed when there is an accident or fire.
  • Better lighting.
  • New cables and mounts that are necessary for the security program in a tunnel works.
  • Better protection against fire by covering the flammable water and frost protection (PE foam) with concrete.

Source: NPRA

Road Administration reports that plans are prepared for each tunnel, and that the works in part will bring great inconvenience for road users. On the busiest areas could be high. Some places are closing the tunnels evening and night, elsewhere closed tunnels altogether and traffic directed to bypass roads.

On Road Administration’s website you can check the tunnel works planned in your area.

In Region East , ten tunnels upgraded and work in Smestad tunnel on Ring 3 starts on June 1.

In Region south be 32 tunnels repaired. Three tunnels on E39 in Flekkefjord was closed on 1 March and finished rectified this summer.

In Region West be 43 tunnels repaired. Now ongoing work in E39 Mastrafjord Tunnel, E39 and E39 Hordvik Bømlafjord Tunnel Tunnel. The upgrade of Bømlafjord Tunnel is very extensive and takes almost two years.

In Central Region be 13 highway tunnels must be repaired. Work starts with five E6 tunnels in Trøndelag this spring.

In Region North should be more than 50 tunnels upgraded to a higher security level. First out are twelve tunnels Helgeland and Salten in Nordland. Work starts in the summer.

Ready for køkaos in Oslo:


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