Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The school canceled the Lucia-celebration when the children’s choir stood ready – VG

Lucia-ornate, crying children poured out of the amphitheatre on the Mørkvedmarka school, when the principal canceled the celebration on short notice. Cause: the Reactions on the news that the boys did not sing in the choir.

– It is completely unheard of. The sea of kids that came out with tears and screaming is some of the worst I’ve seen, ” says Thomas Other Mossin, the father of an eight-year-old girl on Mørkvedmarka school.

and I was bored to me, he continues.

The frustrated father tells NEWSPAPER that his daughter had struggled to sleep the night before Lucia day, excited and expectant to to sing in the choir on Tuesday morning.

He was among several other parents who had taken time off to watch the kids sing.

But it was worst for the children who had no parents who could take time off. They were standing alone and cry, ” says Mossin.

you Got with you? Schools dropout julegudstjeneste Voss

Cancelled due to disabled

the School’s Lucia celebration has aroused great attention Monday, when the Newspaper Nordland wrote that parents reacted to the fact that boys don’t got to be with the Lucia choir.

” We’re trying this year, and see how it goes. I know there are some boys who want to participate, but in years, it is only the girls to sing. The boys will be spectators in the year. We will take a thorough evaluation in the aftermath, said principal Mette V. Edvardsen to the newspaper.

the head teacher at the school writes in an SMS to VG that the event was cancelled due to mediavinklingen and comments.

On the follow-up question about the reason for that the boys won’t be on the choir she writes:

“This was one of the heaviest decisions I have taken. We have 200 girls who have enjoyed and practiced, and generalprøvene yesterday was very good. I think it is very sad that it was so, we could not, unfortunately, carry out it today. The girls have been well taken care of throughout the day. There was no special reason.”

– Good dialogue with the parents

Neither the principal or the ROLES-leader has wanted to embody what was the reason that the boys should not participate in the choir.

Undervisningssjef in Bodø kommune, Tore Tverbakk, gives its full support to both.

There has been a dialogue between the principal and the parents in the ROLES-selection, about to have a new arrangement of the Lucia choir. It’s been discussed and added a race for the event, which is meant as a nice break for students, parents and school.

– What was the reason that the school would not let the boys participate in the choir?

It was only meant as a new action on a nice event. There was nothing else behind.

– What do you think about kjønndsdeling in general?

– We kjønndsdeler not in fixed forms and groups. But that may be okay in some events, such as this choir.

ROLES supports the principal

ROLES-leader Vegard Kristiansen supports the dean of the Newspaper Nordland.

I ask me one hundred per cent behind the principal at the school who wanted to try a new arrangement in the year. Also that the principal chose to cancel is something we fully support. ROLES-the board has talked in the morning today, and we are deafening agree that we support the principal 100 per cent in the choices she has made. It becomes almost impossible to stand in it, so it has been, ” he says to the newspaper.

Parents create new concert – without boys

Etteravlysningen of today’s arrangemenet have a group of parents at the school joined together to create a new concert. Also this is only for girls.

“It is too bad that someone is going to get destroy for many. We invite all parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. to Luciakonsert,” called it in the invitation that is sent out.

Irene Løvstad is one of the initiators. She says to the Newspaper Nordland that they are doing this for the children.

It was the 200 disappointed the girls in the day early as had not got any information about that the whole thing was cancelled before they arrived at school and stood up and was ready. They have been out for weeks in the bad weather for this, ” she says to the newspaper.


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