Tuesday, December 13, 2016

– Brekke had been kicked off the Røkke – E24

– There is much that is unresolved in the battle that takes place in Telenor. But it seems that the chairman of the board Gunn Wærsted has no confidence to Telenor-ceo Sigve Brekke and that she has good support from its largest shareholder, næringsministeren, says Aarebrot.

If it had been Kjell Inge Røkke, who had owned 54 per cent in a company where, for example, Bjørn Rune Gjelsten was chairman of the board, and they had not the confidence to toppsjefen: Then he had not been particularly old in the job.

Brekke had been cast?

– Yes. The special feature in this case is that he continues as the chief, despite the fact that the chairman has asked him to go by.

– You think he must go?

– Yes, there have been so many conditions that I believe it.

– Had been right out

Aarebrot, a professor at the Department of comparative politics at the University of Bergen, believes the cup should have been full a long time ago:

 <p><b>THINK BREKKE M,Å OUT:</b> Professor Frank Aarebrot.</p>

THINK BREAK OUT: Professor Frank Aarebrot.

– I mean, in principle, that it held with the CV-cheated. At my workplace here at the University, if it had been straight out if I had done what he did. Simply because we should teach the young to be honest and correct, ” says Aarebrot.

It was Capital that in the year revealed a number of errors by the RESUME to Break.

– In addition, it was reacted sharply on the lack of female representation in management, which greatly contributed to the then chairman of the board Svein Aaser had to go off. On top of this comes, of course, the focus in India, Brekke led, which has given a loss of 25 billion, says Aarebrot, and continues:

– Wærsted are not the boss

And yesterday got we know that Telenor has not only sponsored sports teams, but the antiterror-units in Bangladesh. Then type the Telenor that the board has concluded that it is not damning for Breakout. I’m struggling to understand what is going on.

But that Break must go is not so obvious for the BI-professor Morten Huse. He believes many of those who now requires break off departure skips buck of the Telenor board of directors who have chosen him to sjefstolen, and puts too much emphasis on what the chairman of the board Gunn Wærsted.

Wærsted are not the boss to Break. It is the board who is the boss – clearly there are those who decide, and not the chairman of the board, ” says House.

– do not Feel the same pressures

He points to several things he thinks speaks for a Break-exit are not so obvious:

  • To hire Him was the board’s own decision. – If the board removes the ceo, admits it at the same time that they did not do a good enough job in ansettelsesprosessen, ” says House.
  • the Ceo sits basically safer than the chairman of the board.
  • Both CV-pyntingen from last year and the issues that have come up about the break off time as the Asia-chief – now last with internal rule violations in Bangladesh – should be well known for the Telenor board of directors. – We hear all the time about these matters, drawn up at the Break, but this is matters the board of directors has taken a position along the way, and they have still accepted Sigve Brekke, ” says House.
  • And four of the board members of Telenor are not resident in Norway: Jacob Aqraou and Director Aalstad live both in Switzerland, while Sally Davis and Ashok Vaswani is a resident in London. – There is reason to believe that they are not in the same degree affected by the Norwegian debate, and do not feel the same pressures to adapt to the chairman of the board or the State, ” says House.

– I don’t think the board will throw Sigve Brekke, he adds.

Request information

no Matter what happens believe Frank Aarebrot it is now important that the public is informed, so that uncertainty is removed.

He is joined by Telenor-analyst Christer Roth, DNB Markets.

– the Market adds to the reason that there should be a well-functioning relationship between the board of directors/chairman of the board and management. It may look as if it is potentially not the case, from what has been featured by the media in the course of the last few days.

– We see it as natural that both the board and the administration have the interest to clarify the situation and thus provide the market with more information about the facts, ” he says.

law professor Tore Bråthen by BI says Telenor has been taken on the bed:

They had obviously seen for themselves that this should be an internal process. That there is so much internal information that has leaked out, has not Telenor been prepared for at all.

Silent from the Wærsteds “head”

the Head of Telenor’s corporate assembly, Anders Skjævestad, has not wanted to comment about the ongoing conflict between the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Telenor.

the Corporate assembly has the responsibility to appoint members of the board, select the chairman of the board and engage in the major decisions for the company. This can include, for example, a merger, or major investment decisions.

E24/VG was Monday afternoon in contact with Skjævestad. He did not want to comment about when he and the corporate possibly will intervene to resolve the conflict that has arisen between Sigve Brekke, the chairman of the board and individual board of directors. He also will not go into whether a uttrekning from India, with subsequent milliardtap, is something they will engage in.

It is the corporate assembly that can go in and replace the whole board or individual members on behalf of the owners.

After the E24/VG get lit, there is as yet not called to an extraordinary meeting of the corporate assembly. According to the plan, they should meet once before christmas, as they always tend to do.

Both Skjævestad and Mette Wikborg, ekspedisjonssjefen by Næringsdepartementets eierskapsavdeling, sitting together on the nomination committee. Skjævestad stated that they always have a running dialogue about styresammensetningen in telegiganten.

director of Communications Atle Kigen, Aker ASA says Kjell Inge Røkke do not want to comment on the case. It also don’t want Sigve Brekke, says Telenor’s director of communications Severin Roald.

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