Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Now go Listhaug to counterattack in noah’s fundraising campaign – TV 2

three weeks ago made Christopher Get and the Norwegian organisation for asylum seekers (NOAS) a fundraising campaign. Get raging against Listhaugs asylum-and asked people to donate money to the NOAS.

Now have immigration and inclusion Sylvi Listhaug even made a fundraiser where the money should go to them and she thinks the “really need it”.

“There are many who have wanted to donate in my name to the NOAS. It must they like to do. But I and many others would rather that the money should have gone to those who really need it most of all. There you can join to do now!”

Persecuted christians

the Money will go to persecuted christians.

I believe that if the money collected in my name, I will that they shall go to those who need it most. There is no doubt that there are many christians who are persecuted, abused, tortured and killed, ” she says, and refers to a bombing that took the lives of 25 people at the weekend in Cairo’s main cathedral.

In the post on Facebook, write Listhaug repeatedly that it is those who “really need it”.

the Money they collect goes to the organization Open Doors, which does humanitarian work and mission.

Fabian and I wanted to focus on a group that rarely gets much attention. There are christians who are persecuted all over the world, and christmas is a christian tradition where we wanted to use this time to do what we can to give something to a very vulnerable group that is often forgotten, says Listhaug.

– Funny

Frank Aarebrot is professor of comparative politics at the University of Bergen. He says to TV 2 that he thought the stunt to Listhaug and Rod is “funny”.

– What do you think about that a minister starts a fundraising campaign in this way?

It is a little strange. The point of “Open doors” is that the christian Europe must open its doors to the persecuted christians who have no place to return to. They can’t move home. This sits Listhaug in a unique position to do something with. It is therefore surprising that she asks for money when she can use political means in order to give them what they really need – namely protection.

– But what do you think about a minister doing this? Can she do it?

Listhaug and Rod asks for money to christian organization

It is a bit superficial. It helps not to send money when they can’t get back. So to believe that only money can help, it is a bit short-sighted, they just need protection. There are limits to how many can stay in Lebanon, says Aarebrot to TV 2.

– Have you heard of a minister who has done something similar before?

– No. This is not normal. It is a bit peculiar of a integration and and innvandringsminister, which has responsibility for that area. Money is important, but she can give them something more than money, namely a safe place to live in Europe.

Also AUF react strongly on that Listhaug collect money.

” I think it is unbelievable that a Norwegian minister in 2016 collect money for the missionary thrust. Persecuted christians and christians who are living in war and conflict zones have more advantage of that we support the organizations that are actually dealing with emergencies, such as f.ex Red Cross and Norwegian people’s Aid, says the deputy leader of the AUF, Ina Libak.

Cook on Facebook

After Listhaug and Rod put out a post about the fundraising on Tuesday, many reacted. Post is shared over 1,000 times.

– Couldn’t you just let be to put weak groups against each other? type.

Had it not been a idea to help those in your own house first? writes another.

– Why only christians? Is well far more persecuted muslims, yazidier etc. Huff for a narrow and parochial mind.

at the same time, there are many who write that they have supported the campaign. Listhaug answer the critics by asking them to put themselves better into the case before commenting.

– you are allowed to listen a bit before throwing themselves on characteristics such as “parochial and narrow-minded”. The government proposed just 500 million extra to syria’s neighbouring areas, type Listhaug.

NOAS react

Of the newspaper the next Day says the NOAS that they think it’s strange Listhaug has chosen an organization in this way.

– It is very special to pick out an organization this way. I expect that she also now will take the initiative for fundraising for the Red Cross, the Norwegian refugee council and Doctors without Borders, which also meet persecuted christians, says secretary general in NOAS Ann Margit Austenå to the newspaper.

Listhaug denies that this is intended as a motaksjon to NOAS and Joners stunt.

– No. Fabian and I think this is a good action that makes people can help a bit in this holiday season to people who really need it. It seems that there is a good engagement in social media and many people who have given ten bucks or more, she says.


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