Wednesday, December 14, 2016

21 politicians got severance pay after the parliamentary elections in 2013 – NRK

There was trouble when stortingspolitikerne doubled the time period for severance pay for representatives who do not take re-election or not come in at the thing in a new period.

Previously have the elected officials been able to raise two-thirds of his salary in the subsequent year after they leave Parliament. Both the Progress party, the Labour party, the centre party, KrF and the Left voted for the proposal that benefits avgåtte politicians in up to two years with up to 1.2 million.

the Day after did the parties turnaround.

Seven million in total severance pay

today NRK will bring the list of all who took severance pay after the parliamentary election in 2014.

just Over 7,1 million were distributed among 21 stortingsrepresentanter who either did not enter or who did not re-elected as the elected officials.

This is in addition to the three months they get full compensation.

After one year of severance pay, the former elected officials get an additional two years of unemployment benefits to hvermannsen can

Schedule NRK has received from the Parliament shows that it is the progress party (9) and Labour party (5) representatives who are in the majority when it comes to severance pay.

the Left and the Right have one representative each, while the four departing politicians from the Socialist Left party availed themselves of the scheme.

10 took out full severance pay

10 of the politicians in the Storting overview raised severance pay a year after their days in Parliament was over.

In dollars and cents, it was the Liberal Borghild Tenden who came best out of it with a severance pay on the 564.691 money after two periods at the thing.

Laila Gustavsen from the Labour party took out 18.404 million equivalent of one monthly salary before she jumped off the scheme.

A were together with the MDG and the Right to vote against the proposal Monday afternoon.

But in 2014 raised four of the party’s outgoing stortingsrepresentanter together 933.000 million in severance pay.

Akhtar Chaudhry took out the 12 months, Hallgeir Langeland seven months, while Kristin Halvorsen and Geir-Ketil Hansen took out respectively four and two months of severance pay in anticipation of that they should find something else to do.

– Three months should keep the

I don’t think it is possible that this house, which adopts the rules that apply to all others, to have rules that are different for us than for them, ” said Karin Andersen (SV) from the Parliament’s pulpit during Monday’s vote.

Even if A voted against the extension of the scheme, voted for the ceo that has lasted up to now and thus secured their present financial security for up to three years.

Andersen believes that the SV has helped to remove many fringe benefits in the 20 years she has served as a representative.

one of the things I started with was to get away gullpensjonen we had. We’ve gone through several of godtgjørelsene and the deliverables we have agreed on a settlement about this a few years ago. When we landed on the system that we have today with a severance pay of one year, said Andersen in Dagsnytt 18 in the evening.

the Scheme was, according to Andersen made because stortingsgodtgjørelsen do not give the earning to the unemployment benefit.

– But that one for it can get unemployment benefits in addition, I think is unreasonable, ” says Andersen, who believes the scheme will need to approach the common people have.

– perhaps You may have a etterlønnsordning in three months so you don’t use the last time one sits on the Parliament to apply for a job. But then, we should go over in the regular system, ” says Andersen, who himself has notified that she wishes to stand for re-election for new four years.


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