Sunday, November 13, 2016

The lowest number of rovviltskader in many years – Romsdals Budstikke

We have not seen so few injuries after the Norwegian nature inspectorate (SNO took over the contract to sign rovviltskader in 2001, ” says the director Pål Prestrud in SNO.

the Number of proven damage goes down for all kinds of predators, apart from the damages done by bears. Bjørneskader has increased in the year compared with the last two years, and it is reported 444 injuries, according to Miljødirektoratet. The number of bjørneskader is still low in the year compared to a few years ago. In 2009, there were 972 injuries.

wolf is the year-to-date reported 367 damage to sheep made of wolf.

When it comes to the wolf varies the number of proven damage from year to year, and this is due, among other things, with streifende young wolves moves. The figure for 2016 is the lowest since 2011, and about half of this year’s damage was proven in a grazing area in Rendalen in Hedmark. Within ulvesonen, as Parliament has decided that the wolf will be living in, it has been proven to get injuries.

the Damage done by the lynx goes down for the eighth year in a row, the number of injuries is reduced from 600 in 2009 to 203 so far this year. (©NTB)


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