HATRED AND SCORN: Sylvi Listhaug did not like the comment Sylvilismen in Saturday’s edition of the Daily newspaper.

Photo: Facsimile: Daily

the Background for the conflict is a comment Ulstein wrote in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen over the weekend with the title “Sylvilismen”.

the Comment is illustrated by a caricature of Listhaug who worships his own reflection.

Listhaug took the comment bad up and described it as “steeped in hatred, scorn and nedlatenhet”.

Also partikollega Per Sandberg took to Listhaug in the defense and went to the counter at Ulstein by launching the concept of the “Hege-ism”.

– Attacking the person

In the evening met Sandberg and Ulstein to debate in Dagsnytt 18 on NRK.

Sandberg accuses Daily broadcaster for the personal attacks on Listhaug.

– You attack the person all the way. You come into familievalgene to Sylvi Listhaug. You’re on to her christian faith. Indirectly, so is it that you pull up all the way. It is the person and not the policy, ” says Sandberg.

Ulstein parried with that Listhaug even have brought their personal choices and the christian faith into the political discussion.

– She is very keen to convey it. She also has pictures of the man and his kids on the blog. And she is generally a politician who uses very much of their personality and their own life in the political discussion, ” says Ulstein.

– Toes across the body

Ulstein explains that she wrote the comment in the wake of the elite-the debate Listhaug started on her blog last week.

My conclusion is that it is not about political or economic power when she goes to attack on this elite, but I think that she was really talking about the power to define. She talks about meningsbærerne and using the kind of concepts, believes Ulstein.

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