Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The left proposes a milliardløft for the green shift – the Newspaper.en

Climate change is our greatest challenge. We have already begun to see that the consequences can be dramatic if we do not succeed in reducing the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

In June of this year ratified the Norway as one of the first countries in the Paris agreement. It means that Norway will reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases by 40 percent by 2030 compared to the level in 1990.

the Challenge is that the the Norwegian emissions have not gone down in the period from 1990 to the present. Emissions have increased by 2.5 per cent. The need for a green change has in other words never been more acute than it is right now.

After a proposal from the Left was in 2014 put down a new Green skattekommisjon. The commission put forward its recommendations in December 2015 and the government has repeatedly referred to this work as an excuse not to do something more actively to turn the skattepolitikken in the greener direction.

It is therefore with great wonder the Left can say that avspiser throughout the study with a two-page non-binding comments in its proposed budget for 2017.

the Left believes we need a government budget that puts us in a position to reduce Norway’s emissions by 40% by 2030. At the same time, it is necessary to create new, permanent jobs. The combination of the two objectives is the essence of the Liberal green shift.

In our proposal to the central government budget for 2017 we add to the right for a green switch that will reduce the emissions of our significant, at the same time that Norwegian companies are given the opportunity to create growth and values based on innovation, renewable energy and environmentally friendly technology.

Specifically, we propose:

  • A green skatteskifte of approximately 15 billion kroner with equal parts severe restrictions and the easing of green fees and taxes.
  • A shift from fossil fuel to zero in the total fleet.
  • An increased focus on public transport, bike – and walkways and renewable solutions in the transport sector of over 6 billion
  • the Reorganization of the Norwegian business sector in more environment – and climate-friendly direction with new initiatives and increased bets of 1.5 billion

Left a budget that contribute to the emission reductions already in 2017 is important, but even more important is that it be set in motion adequate measures in 2017 that contributes to the Uk when the goals of 2030.

the Government’s proposal for the national budget does not do this. The consequences of not to do anything more in 2017, is that Norway will be affected dramatically by climate change. The temperature will increase, especially in the north. The ocean becomes more acidic, and warmer, and large parts of Norway will get increased precipitation. The risk of landslides and floods increases. Essential infrastructure such as roads and drains will have a greater stress. The price for to wait for concrete action will be very high.

An offensive climate policy will make Norwegian industry more competitive. In close collaboration with the industry will be Left reinforce efforts to reduce and remove emissions. Should we succeed with this, it is important to strengthen the systems that contribute to the development of technology, such as f.ex. miljøteknologiordningen under Innovation Norway.

It is also necessary to strengthen the supply of capital to large innovative projects in the field of renewable energy and the bioeconomy, and bet heavily on the research within the environment, climate change and environmentally friendly energy.

stimulating the green shift proposes Left bl.a. that there be created two new såkornfond á 200 million. money that is earmarked environmental technology and bio-economy.

We propose that there be created a new teknologioverføringsprogram from oil and gas to new industries, and that Norway in the course of 2018 to get in place full-scale demonstration plant for offshore wind power based on Norwegian technology and Norwegian supplier industry.

Petroleum stands for almost a third of Norwegian CO2 emissions. Climate change must also affect the petroleumspolitikken. Both the national climate goals and the international goal of reducing the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees, suggests that significant parts of the Norwegian oil and gas should be left.

In line with that fossilandelen and greenhouse gas emissions go down, the market for oil and gas skrumpe. At the same time, the market for the renewable energibærerne and the modern nullutslippsløsningene grow. The left will position Norway to be with on this energiomstillingen.

climate policy considerations must be included as a part of the decision-making process when and if new petroleumsprosjekter be planned. Vulnerable areas in the north should, in the Liberal view not be an area for petroleum activity and with today’s oil prices is not profitable. All bevilginger to the exploration/mapping/activity in these areas should be removed.

the Left suggest also some changes in the very favorable petroleum taxation, which means an increased equal treatment for tax purposes between other businesses and the oil and gas industry.

Left enter an agreement on the state budget for 2017, the agreement contribute to just a change of course in the green direction. The proposals that we promote in our alternative budget for 2017 will just do it, and they have also largely agreement with the report the government received of the ekspertutvalget for green competitiveness last Friday.

There is no doubt that this will be tough negotiations, also in terms of the government’s lack of follow-up of past budget decisions.

the Liberal main task in the negotiations is to make sure we get a budget that provides lower greenhouse gas emissions and more permanent, green jobs.

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