Thursday, November 3, 2016

Stavanger workers Party is concerned for the employees at the nursing home – NRK

Blidensol nursing homes in operation-a meeting of the 02.09.2016 adopted the following:

All employees at the Blidensol a nursing home (in contact with the residents) to use arbeidsantrekk that disclosed the nursing home, and it is not allowed to use religious or political garments, so as f.ex. hijab or palestinasjerf.

the Reasons for the decision are the following:

the Reasons for the decision are the residents ‘ well-being. As is well known, works of people with dementia the best in the well-known and thus safe environment. Bl.a. remember the demented his past, and is thus bl.a. strongly affected by how people around them look, and bl.a. how they are dressed. If it is used piece of clothing that is unknown to the patient, such as f.ex. the hijab, the turban or palestinasjerf, this can create confusion and insecurity. From before, and now increasingly, it is employees with the strange, foreign appearance and to some extent with poor Norwegian language.

the Undersigned has been contacted by the staff at the nursing home, which now stands in danger of losing their jobs. They are very anxious and frustrated over the situation and believes that it is discriminatory.

Furthermore, has the undersigned been in contact with the equality and anti-discrimination ombud who can confirm that the decision is in conflict with Norwegian legislation and that there is a factual basis.

An employer’s ban on religious head coverings, or requirements for uniforms that excludes such garments, will therefore initially be discriminatory.

In practice, this means that as long as the head covering is not a practical obstacle for you in the job, it does not pose a security risk, or you have a position where you appear verdinøytral is extremely important, it will take a lot of that you should not be able to go with, for example, the headscarf on the job. However, can the employer determine the design of the garment, for example, that hijaben is a part of uniformskolleksjonen, so Kiwi and IKEA have done.

Blindensol is a private ideal nursing home, and Stavanger municipality has no direct responsibility in this matter, but on the other hand, the Stavanger municipality, the agreement Blindensol nursing home, which now violates the law. It means that the municipality is responsible in what turns out to be unlawful in this case and will have great importance for employees.

Stavanger workers Party is concerned that employees are being discriminated against in the nursing home that is operated by the municipality. We know that defer is dependent on workers from minority backgrounds and we should be seen as an inclusive and international city, then yes, we need it in the very highest degree will also be shown in practice.

We ask rådmannen enter into dialogue with the board on Blindensol nursing home, in order to come to a solution that is best for all parties.

This is an issue that comes under the administrasjonsutvalget, but also affect the living conditions therefore, we believe that this information also be made available to the members of the administrasjonsutvalget.


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