Friday, November 18, 2016

Skei Grande after Hareides Frp fling in the budget: – we Believe holds together – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): on Friday at 11, met the parties to the new negotiations about the budget 2017. The meeting was of the short battle. Already after 45 minutes brought the parties back out, without a solution, but with plans to meet again later in the day.

the Parties described forhandlingstonen as constructive.

According to NTB to sources close to the negotiations suggest that This may actually come to support a budget proposal which the government’s contentious car kit included. The left has wanted extensive changes in the can be a problem, and made it clear that it is out of the question for them to support a budget without such changes.

After the Newspaper experience, the coalition parties in the course of negotiations so far put on the table a package of various measures with the effects of climate change, together worth more than two billion. But that can be a problem is left untouched. It repeated the Frp-leader Siv Jensen earlier in the day, and the same said the parliamentary leader Harald Tom Nesvik before today’s first forhandlingsmøte.

Trine: – Better must make it Better will

the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande, she did not want to add up in what Hareide find to do, but a

- Better must make it Better. The left, however, is clear on what we must have in this budget, namely cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, she says to Dagbladet just before the negotiations begin.

the Liberal Guri Melby told NRK Friday morning that she would wish Hareide had never said that can be a problem was not sacred for him.

Skei Grande would not repeat partifelles words, and underlined that she is still hoping unity between the samarbeidspartiene to avoid budsjettskilsmisse.

- I think and hope that we will stay together, ” says the Left head on.

She emphasizes that it is the government that is perverse in the negotiations, not she.

- I have plenty to go on. There are those who will not depart, with a clear message to the government.

Hareide: – Has not said something new

a Few meters beyond is Knut Arild Hareide. He tells Dagbladet that he has not said anything to the press as Trine Skei Grande have not already knew.

- the Progress has not said anything new. We can not vote for a budget that does not take climate change seriously, turn he categorically fixed.

Hareide explained that the government’s proposal to bilavgifter and compensation for motorists triggered something ultimatum for the Sector. Thus he will negotiate about the budget even though can be a problem Venstrer fordrar included in the budget.

- To set the ultimatum helps not to have a budget in the harbour. There is a large response to the government. We are working to get a solution for the four parties, ” he says.

- We offer many packages

Budsjettsamtalene between the four has been slow, largely because of the aforementioned can be a problem, as the Left is unhappy with. The package involves some avgiftsøkninger, including gasoline and diesel, but at the same time more carrots for motorists.

the Conservative parliamentary leader Trond Helleland emphasizes that there are many measures on the table that samarbeidspartiene can choose from.

There are many packages that we offer, and we have other packages than bilpakka. The important thing is the totality of this budget, ” he says.

Sunday at 18 is the deadline for agreement in the budsjettforhandlingene between the coalition parties, the christian democratic party has Left. The right and conservative party needs the support of at least one of the samarbeidspartiene to through the state budget for 2017.

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