Friday, November 11, 2016

Rasveien should be opened 22. november – Romsdals Budstikke

Ms. Annica Elizabeth Fiedler in Norwegian Recycling confirms to Romerikes Blad that there are parts of the new road affected by the landslide.

the First part of the two mile long stretch, road 256 with illuminated walking and cycling path, has been a project in collaboration between the Norwegian Recycling, landowners in the area, the Norwegian public roads administration and the community of Sørum.

“This provides a safer everyday life for the population in the area”, states the invitation.

The opening was scheduled to take place on the evening of Tuesday 22. november and carried out by Sørum-mayor Marianne Grimstad Hansen. Fiedler in Norwegian Recycling says it is doubtful whether the opening can now be carried out. (©NTB)


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