Friday, November 18, 2016

– The progress party is not the party for most people – Daily newspaper

By Donald Trumps election victory in the united STATES, the discussion has raged among Norwegian politicians about who is most in touch with the people. “It Giske and the rest of the elite in Ap do, the memories of pissing on the common toilers, and then complain that they smell bad”, wrote the progress party’s parliamentary leader Harald Tom Nesvik in Aftenposten yesterday. He believes that the Ap, in contrast to the conservative party distances itself more and more from most people.

– the Numbers our proves the opposite, ” says LO leader Gerd Kristiansen of the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen.

According to the poll from the LOs members in October, have Right now only 7.7 per cent approval rating. 60,3 per cent have responded that they would vote Labour if there were options today.

– the Common people will not have the Right in the policy. Now they’ve got it in three years, and that they will not have. It shows the level of support in the trade unions, and if not we are normal people, who is it then?, ask Kristiansen.

From 17 per cent to 7.7

In 2013 was the support for the conservative party among LO members at 17 per cent, while in October of this year is 7.7 per cent, which is also the average so far in 2016.

LO-the leader believes that the members react to the changes in the working environment act and the social cuts.

– It is harder to get a permanent job, and it cut in feriepengene to those who go on the unemployment benefit. This is the cut that goes out over the common people.

She believes nor does the conservative party can claim to be the party for most people in the skattepolitikken.

– I have created a new slogan for them: the Party for those with the most, ” says Kristiansen.

Figures from the Ministry show that the country’s 0.1 per cent richest have got 221.200 million in tax cuts on average in the last three years, while people with yearly income between 400.000-450.000 nok has received 2800 million in total tax cuts.

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a Clear message to Store

LO-leader also believes that the left must take protestvalget in the united STATES seriously.

– What has happened in the united STATES is a varsku to the parties on the left wing in Norway that they must be careful not to take ordinary workers seriously.

Therefore, she has a clear message to the partilederne on the left side about what they need to take a grip on.

– They must be aware of the job creation, and these young people fall outside. It is amazing the number of men aged 25-35 years, which now stands outside of both work and education, and it just gets worse and worse, and it is the angry white men you have seen in the united STATES, ” says Kristiansen.

Read also: Ap listening to LO in the Lofoten case

Open for EEA-debate

the Resistance against trade agreements, as both Trump and Brexit supporters espouse, see more reflection of the in the EEA debate here at home.

– do you Have the LO-the management turned down the EEA rebellion too hard?

– No, but we turn the not download the discussion around the EEA agreement and the EEA agreement’s content. What we are clear on, is that we need the EEA agreement. We need an agreement with our largest trading partner. LO believes that we should have immigration, but they should not have salaries that are far below our salaries. It will threaten the collective agreement, ” says Kristiansen.

Read also: LO-the leader clears away the Lofoten islands-doubt


the progress arbeidspolitiske spokesperson Erlend Wiborg believes that Kristiansen come with unreasonable criticism.

– Kristiansen should be careful not to portray themselves as so terribly popular, with a salary higher than the prime minister. So it is no secret that the progress party has poor readings of the day. Then it is natural that fewer LO-members say they will vote for us. Nevertheless, I believe many of the LOs members appreciate that we tighten the innvandringspoltikken and accounts for the investment in road and rail. We have also given an average family to 8000 million in tax cuts in the year.

He believes that Kristiansen come with skremslespropaganda of the working environment act.

– If Kristiansen had taken the time to talk with their members, she had been hearing that not everyone believes the labour market has now been completely fryktlig of the night. I also have a challenge to Kristiansen: it’s okay to be politically disagree on matters, but I think it is sad that she chooses to drive party politics propaganda on behalf of the spinndoktorer in Ap, as LO has given over 100 million to the last ten years, ” says Wiborg.

Read also: He is LOs the next leader


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