Friday, November 4, 2016

NOAH: Scandalous about pelsdyrnæringen maintained – Hegnar Online

It has been with great excitement to the white paper on the pelsdyrnæringens future as the ministry of agriculture and mr. Jon Georg Dale put forward Friday morning.

After the newspaper experience, the government will not step in to wind up pelsdyrnæringen in the white paper. But they go into to forbid gruppehold of mink, so that there can be a maximum of one male and one female in each cage to avoid that the animals damage each other. The ministry will support itself on the Danish surveys, which show that such measures reduce the risk of injury.

– Scandalously

If this is true is the government’s proposal, a mockery of the English dyrevelferdslov. That the government’s only “contribution” is to go back to have minkene alone in a cage, is a scandalous bortforklaring of strong professional advice from the Norwegian veterinærfaglige environments. Even the Norwegian food safety Authority points out that it is the very burdriften that is the problem. It is totally unacceptable if the minister claims the support of the Danish pelsdyrforskere, and not even have asked for advice from the Norwegian veterinærfaglige environments. It is widely known that the Danish pelsdyrforskning largely næringsfinansiert and not with the focus in the animals ‘real needs,” states NOAH-director and veterinarian Siri Martinsen.

Dyrevernere has been strongly critical of the pelsbransjen for many years and work hard for a winding-up. NOAH handed over recently 143.000 signatures against pelsbransjen to the agriculture minister, and 12. november hosts the organization torchlight against fur 26 places in the country.

Parliament decides

NOAH put his trust in the Parliament if it is true that the government is still pelsdyrhold in Norway.

the Parliament now has responsibility for ensuring that the Norwegian dyrevelferdslov are followed – and it will not be followed if fox and mink is sentenced to a continued life in a cage. Veterinærforeningen has pointed out that the specialist is contrary to several paragraphs of the dyrevelferdsloven, claim Martinsen.

A proposal from the Left to ban pelsoppdrett was voted down in Parliament last year. Right, the progress party, KrF and the centre party voted against.

A regjeringsoppnevnt variety la in December 2014 presented a report on the pelsdyrnæringen. A majority went to tighten the regulations, while a minority would wind up the industry.

In the advance of the white paper, which will be presented on Friday, let the industry Thursday off the results of their own internal control of 490.000 animals in Rogaland. Overall, it was found 469 sick or injured animals. (©NTB)


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