Wednesday, November 2, 2016

More cuts the steak for the environment – NRK

One of the five says they have made a large reduction of kjøttforbruket its because of the climate. Over one in three say the same thing about the power consumption, according to a report from the Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO at HiOA.

It’s been greater awareness around the environmental impacts of consumption. Consumers are to a greater extent aware of the negative consequences of consumption. Among other things, consumption of meat and clothing are up in the political debate and in the media, ” says SIFO-researcher Thorvald Tangeland to NRK.

Doubled kjøttforbruket

Household kjøttforbruk more than doubled from the 1950′s to the 2010′s, according to figures from the ministry of Health. The last few years, it has been quite stable at around 70 kilos per person annually.

the Beef is from the klimaverstingene on the Norwegian breakfast table. According to Bioforsk leads the production of one kilogram of beef to 20 kilograms of CO₂ emissions.

Trust in technology

” Tangeland in the SIFO research on household spending habits.

Photo: Milana Knezevic / NRK

Tangeland will still be a tendency for fewer believe that most people can make a real change for the environment and climate change.

Consumers believe in the constantly lesser extent that they are responsible for solving climate and environmental challenges must. At the same time they think that the technology in a greater extent can solve the climate and environmental challenges must, ” he says.

He believes teknologioptimismen can be a problem for the green shift.

– The more you believe that technology can solve the challenges, the less you are willing to reduce their own consumption, explains the scientist.

So many people say they have reduced consumption

  • Clothing: 78% (+ 3 percentage points)
  • Fly: 74 per cent (+ 4)
  • Car: 77% (+ 1)
  • Meat: 71 per cent (+ 5)
  • Power: 80 percent (- 2)

Numbers from 2016. Change from 2015 in the parentheses. Source: Sifo.

Simple cut

According to the survey cut us greenhouse gas emissions where it is easiest. For example, answer the most that they have reduced the consumption of electricity, for example, by screwing down the indoor temperature, while fewer etterisolerer the property.

Tangeland says the government must lay the foundations for far greater changes in people’s consumption if we are to successfully meet the klimamålene.

– The levels we’re talking about here, is the small adjustments. Today’s forbruksnivå is 50 per cent of the earth’s for local use. Greenhouse gas emissions to be down to two tonnes per person by 2050, in the last year was the ten tonnes in Norway. Only in road transport release the norwegians out two tons a year, ” says the scientist.


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