Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Man (20) arrested after possible homicide in Asker VG

ASKER (VG) A 20-year-old man is arrested after a man was found dead in a residence in Asker, norway on Tuesday evening.

– I saw a man run around in the neighborhood and he was very bloody. He ran to the neighbors to get help to contact the police, ” says a neighbor to VG late on Tuesday night.

the Police got the clock 18.37 a bekymringsmelding from a neighbor. but the police arrived not the place before 19.20 – 43 minutes later, writes the newspaper Dagbladet.

It has with the content of the message to do, that didn’t seem to be very dramatic, ” says kriminalsjef Ketil Thue with the police in Asker and Bærum.

At the address found the police a lifeless man.

– There was attempted resuscitation, but it was not successful, ” says Thue VG..

There was Budstikka who first reported the incident.

– We are investigating this as a possible homicide. A person in the 20s was arrested on the spot, and he is now taken to sentralarresten in Oslo, says kriminalsjefen.

the Neighborhood at Vettre described by neighbours as quiet. The neighbors were Tuesday afternoon witnessed the police came to the site to try to revive the injured person.

The pågrepne 20-year-old should not have been a particularly well-known to the police from before.

– He has no long record, says Thue to the NTB.

Police could on Tuesday night do not give any information about who lives at the address where the dead man was found. They desired rather not to comment on whether there were direct witnesses to the event.

<p>the POLICE PÅ LOCATION: Investigators have nå blocked of the residence in Asker, norway.</p>

the POLICE ON-SITE: Investigators have now blocked off the residence in Asker, norway.

Photo: Hallgeir Vågnenes /VG

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