Monday, November 7, 2016

Homes to be evacuated before severe weather on Svalbard – ABC News

It gets NTB illuminated from sysselmannskontoret. The worst rain is expected until midnight the night of Tuesday.

– We will have active security and driving patrol in Longyearbyen, informs the sysselmannsoverbetjent Ole Jakob Malmo in a message Monday night.

the Unusual high temperature for the season makes that precipitation comes as rain, not snow. In addition to blowing it vigorously.

This is a type of extreme weather we are not used to of Svalbard, and we are therefore uncertain about how this will turn out in Longyearbyen. In cooperation with the skredeksperter from the NVE has the Governor therefore decided to evacuate residents in flood – and skredutsatte areas in the Town. A number of roads are also closed, ” says sysselmann Kjerstin Askholt.


It is introduced as traffic in the areas that are evacuated and closed.

” We are asking people not to move in the terrain. Loose objects should be secured, ” says Askholt.

Longyearbyen community council has together with the people from the Universitetssenteret on Svalbard and the NVE considered whether also other residential areas in the Town should be evacuated. The assessment is that it is not necessary.

Lokalstyreleder Arild Olsen says to Svalbardposten that the community board is now looking at the situation as short-lived. He says that this is not an acute and dangerous situation, but that the board is taking its precautions due to the large nedbørsmengdene reported.


the Road up to New town is one of the many roads that are closed på because of the nedbøren which is expected in the på Svalbard in the løpet of the afternoon and evening.

Longyearbyen, Svalbard 20161107. The road up to New town is one of the many roads that are closed due to the rainfall that is expected on Svalbard during the afternoon and evening. Photo: Torgeir Prytz / NTB scanpix Photo: Torgeir Prytz / NTB scanpix

According to the NOTE-notice from the Norwegian Meteorological institute for Spitsbergen, which applies from Monday afternoon to Tuesday morning, is expected 30 to 50 millimeters of rainfall in 24 hours in the area around Longyearbyen, but in some places it can get over 100 millimeters. The precipitation will come as rain during the 400-500 meters.

It is expected also the south-westerly storm exposed locations, and that means the danger of floods and soil and flomskred in steep terrain.

Snøskredavdelingen in the NVE alerts about great snøskredfare for areas over 700 meters above sea level on Svalbard. It is mainly about the western parts of Spitsbergen. NVE uses faregrad 4 is the highest.

Evacuated and closed

In the first place is 24 dwellings from Road 222 to 228 evacuated. In addition, the entire New town and the area from the church to and with the old bakery were evacuated.

the Road to Bjørndalen will be closed from grillplassen. The governor has asked the people living in huts to the west of the hold, about to leave them. This also applies to any occupants in the other hytteområdene located at fjellskråninger.

the Road to the New town and the House being closed by the south side of the school and at the junction at the old museum. This means that the House and Sverdrupbyen is closed. The milky way from the center to the Skjæringa and bridge at Perleporten is also closed.

Ongoing assessment

A new assessment of the evakueringssituasjonen to be made on Tuesday morning.

We will follow the situation and developments on an ongoing basis, ” says sysselmann Kjerstin Askholt.

19. December of last year killed two people when it went a bigger avalanche from the sugar loaf mountain in Longyearbyen. Eleven houses were destroyed.


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