Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fire in apartment building in the centre of Bergen – Bergens Tidende

the Fire brigade suspect that someone has set fire on the boss in the second floor.

Just before the clock 21 and there came smoke from an apartment building in Håkonsgaten in Bergen city centre. It challenged both the Western police district and the fire department on Twitter.

Tried to extinguish

All nødetater jerked out. The person who alerted the fire brigade tried even to put out the flames with a pulverapparat.

When the fire brigade came to the place, was full of smoke in the building. Røykdykkerne discovered that an escape route was blocked by the boss that seems to have been set ablaze.

Very serious

– It is very serious. It is suspected that someone has set fire to objects in the main stairs. There are five floors above where it was burning, and there were several people in the building, ” says vaktkommandør Their Villanger at 110-pbx.

According to the NTB were 40 residents were evacuated. Several of them got the attention of health care professionals, says Villanger. It is currently unclear whether some have come to harm.

message stated in the West police district has not responded on BTs requests.

To NRK Hordaland says operasjonsleder Inherit Samsonsen that the case is being investigated.

We make now surveys and questioning of witnesses on the spot, I don’t have any details about what has come forward yet, ” says Samsonsen.

In an earlier version of this article wrote BT under the misapprehension that the smoke was due to cooking. The information was based on a Twitter message from the Fire department that there was a different turnout.


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