Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Drapssiktet claim narkokrangel located behind the killing – TV 2

Tuesday night received a police notification of a traffic accident that would prove to be highly dramatic.

Inside the car took the police two serious knivskadde people, and a perpetrator had stolen a car at the scene and stung.

One of the two people died of his injuries.

The deceased is a man of 21 years, a resident of the South, but he is a student at the universitetsavdelingen here, said politistasjonssjef at the Narvik police station, Egil Sletteng at a press conference Wednesday.

23-year-old arrested

A 23-year-old man is arrested, charged with both felony murder and the gross kroppsskade. He was Wednesday, ” I in four weeks with a week’s letter and restraining order, and being driven to Bodø for varetektsfengsling.

A 20-year-old man from Harstad was also found seriously injured inside the car.

According to the police, it seems as if both the killing and the damage on the other person happened inside the car.

the Police have found a knife they believe is the murder weapon, and this was according to Sletteng found on the instruction from the drapssiktede 23-year-old. His sanity should also be examined, as part of the investigation.

Was not drug

Narvikadvokaten Egil Malm is appointed as a defender for the defendant 23-year-old.

Under fengslingsmøtet, which was conducted simultaneously with the police press conference, burst 23-year-old out in tears when the indictment against him was read. He claims that the killing happened in self-defense.

According to the lawyer there shall have occurred a quarrel in the car after the 23-year-old was claimed for money he could not make up for.

– he went home and demanded money of him in connection with the sale of hashish and narcotic substances. They sat in the car and ended up in an argument on the way to Narvik. Where stop the men suddenly the car on a deserted place by Skjombrua. He was so afraid that he turned upon himself with a knife he had brought with him, the said Ore to the NRK earlier in the day.

According to the Ore was not the man drug under voldsepisodene Tuesday.

– He is very affected. Completely demoralized and don’t really understand what he has done. says the lawyer to Forward.

Man in the 20s has been charged with kroppsskade to death. In addition, he is charged with kroppsskade against the man who survived.

According to VG has the offender struggled with anxiety and depression for several years. He was earlier this year sentenced to a 30-day conditional jail for the retention of the five cannabis plants in his apartment.

Characterized studentmiljø

Students at the University of Tromsø’s department in Narvik is deeply characterized after two students were stabbed yesterday, tells Sara Nilsen who is the student leader, to TV 2.

– We are a small environment where everyone knows everyone, ” says Nilsen.

TV 2 was present during a allmøte at the university on Wednesday. Several of the students cried openly.

– We have set krisestab and have made contact with the municipality’s kriseledelse. It is important for us to take care of students and teachers, ” says Bjørn Solvang, the dean of uit’s department in Narvik in norway, to TV 2.


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