Saturday, November 19, 2016

Continue negotiations in the morning – NRK

SKJEBNEMØTE: KrF-leder Knut Arild Hareide came at 19.30-the time to Statsministerboligen.

Photo: Christian Kråkenes / NRK

the OPTIMIST: Harald T. Nesvik of the progress party has faith in the solution, but will not answer if he has more to offer støttepartiene.

Photo: Christian Kråkenes / NRK

STANDING TOGETHER: Trine Skei Grande feel pretty sure that This will stand by the Liberal page.

Photo: Christian Kråkenes / NRK

After just over two hours together in the Statsministerboligen left the party site at 22.15 on Friday night.

Parties meet again in the morning, says Krf leader Knut Arild Hareide as the first rider out.

He says he still has hopes that the parties will come to an agreement.

But the meeting has shown that it is demanding.

the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande has described tonight’s meeting as constructive.

– I think they have got a lot to think about as we can work with in the morning, ” says Grande of the Norwegian broadcasting corporation.

the Question is whether the coalition parties have more to bring to the table for that samarbeidspartiene to be satisfied.

Earlier on Friday it became known that the government has added three billion to various climate and other measures.

But it is contested can be a problem that is forhandlingenes hardest nut. Here the coalition parties so far refused to budge a millimeter.


Before the parties met by 20-time in the evening referred to Hareide it as a skjebnemøte.

– This meeting will be crucial. It is not without reason that the prime minister, the minister of finance and partiledermøtene is with at the meeting, said Hareide to NRK on the way to the regjeringssjefen.

“We will do what we can to get to a solution, and when it requires agreement among the four parties,” says Hareide who do not see the option.

We are working only with one goal and that is that the four parties shall agree. It is very demanding, but we don’t work with a plan B.

– the Center must stand together

the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande still has faith that the parties will find a solution in budsjettforhandlingene – for she think Progress and the Left will stand together and go far.

– We must take for granted that the promises we are given in one budget, to be delivered in the next, she says to NRK.

This is the case

  • In the last year saved the coalition parties budsjettavtalen by promising a tax – and avgiftsomlegging in 2017-the budget provides “significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions”.
  • Already a week before the budget was presented the government until the proposal for the green skatteskifte where the increased gas – and dieselavgiftene with respectively 15 and 35 cents. Compensatory measures such as lower fees, higher pendlerfradrag and lower bomsatser ensured that motorists overall, went in the plus.
  • at the same time did the government it is clear that this was as far as they were willing to go.
  • Left and KrF believes that the proposal is not near to living up to the budsjettavtalen, and requires that the government dealer also about this part of the state budget.

Grande feel pretty sure that This will stand by the Liberal page.

– the first has center well to stand together, for the other has the christian democratic party has a very proud miljøhistorie, with the only prime minister who has gone off on a miljøsak. KrF is concerned with the creation, and that, I think, also they are into budsjettforhandlingene.

– Forever the optimist

the Parliamentary leader of the progress party, Harald T. Nesvik was in a good mood when he entered the statsministerboligen a few minutes before Hareide.

I always go into all of the meetings as a great optimist, so I am looking forward to. We will sit down and discuss, but the goal is to find solutions to the problems, says Nesvik.

He believes the offer the Christian democratic Party and the Left have been given is good. He would not comment on the progress party has more with him into the baggage into the meeting with the three other parties.

Fiscal advocate in the Right corner Svein the Tick would not anticipate anything before the meeting.

I expect it to be a constructive meeting. The content and agenda, I will not say anything about, say, the Tick.

prime Minister Erna Solberg came home half an hour after the guests had arrived. Solberg was planned for a gala dinner in Bergen in the evening, but had to cancel and return to Oslo.

DELAYED: the Car to Erna Solberg rolled into the yard just before the clock 20 in the evening.

Photo: Cato Husabø Waterfall / NRK


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