Wednesday, November 9, 2016

– Closure of Andøya is a danger for our democracy – ABC News

Politicians do not take decisions on the right basis, and I have zero trust of the parties. I think it is a tragedy that they do not have the confidence of the democracy in Norway, says Stein Håkon Tune to the NTB.

the coalition parties ensures a majority for the langtidsplanen for the Armed forces with the Labor party, and receive budget support from the Progress and Left. But the centrist parties are on the outside of the agreement.

– We let us not break the

Eilertsen leads the Norwegian Offisers Union department, Andøya and team mate in the group Preserve Andøya air station. He says he does not have confidence in the Military leadership and the political system in Norway, after this process.

On Facebook, type the group that “there is now the real job starts”.

– We let us not crack. There are so a lot of things that need to come more forward. This is simply so serious that we need to look at what we do next, ” says Eilertsen.

at the same time commend him centrist parties that have stood against it.

It’s going to be a heavy time for many of the employees at the island of Andøya air station and their families, especially young newly established parents of young children. Now, it is important to take care of each other, and it applies to the entire Andøysamfunnet, ” says Eilertsen.

the chief of staff happy

chief of staff Haakon Bruun-Hanssen says he is pleased that the Parliament have endorsed the main lines of langtidsplanen for the Defense.

chief of staff Haakon Bruun-Hanssen during a press conference in Oslo in connection with the further development of the Armed forces. Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix

” I am very pleased that the Parliament have endorsed the main lines of langtidsplanen, and that the items that is negotiated in setting is funded. says Bruun-Hanssen.

In the situation the Defense was in, they had political authorities take a strategic choices. It has been made to give the Armed forces a significant economic boost.

He believes the plan provides a clear direction and pursues a defense with the breadth of capabilities that will be relevant into the future.

Setting focus on to get the Defense we have today to work through the backlog on the maintenance and replacing the bearings so that the responsiveness and endurance is enhanced. At the same time increases the activity in the operational part of the Armed forces. The decision ensures major investments in new fighter aircraft, submarines and surveillance aircraft that give the Defense relevant kampkraft for the future, ” he says.

Basic disagree

the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande says she is basic disagreement in the defence agreement which the Parliament’s three largest parties are now banks through.

It is about that we are far from the Government and the Ap in the strategic choices for the future of defence. The left believes the Army and the home Guard must play a far more important role than the government have added up to, and the Ap has joined, ” she says.

Left leader says centrist parties will put forward an alternative long-term plan along the way in komitébehandlingen.

the island of Andøya is laid down

That island of Andøya air station is laid down, and that it thus is not a shared solution with Evenes, rebel Grande.

Left-leader Trine Skei Grande (pictured) says she is basic disagreement in the defence agreement which the Parliament’s three largest parties banks through. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

Figures from the government have been too bad to take a potentially critical decision to lay down the base on the island of Andøya. Nevertheless, the three major parties together to end the Era, says the Left leader.

She denies that the battle for the island of Andøya is lost.

The engagement that we have seen on and around the island of Andøya must by all means be maintained. There are several years of work with the closure shall be initiated, and there shall be held an election in the meantime, says she.

see also: NATO responds to Russia – will raise the preparedness for the large number of soldiers

390 million

Right, Right, Left and the christian democratic party has agreed to provide the Defense 300 million in fresh funds and do internal omdisponeringer of 90 million in the next year’s defence budget. The labour party also agree in this frame.

The extra money goes among other things to maintain Kystjegerkommandoen in Harstad and to strengthen the Army and the home Guard, especially in Troms and Finnmark.

– Langtidsplanen for the Defense involves a historic economic boost for the defence sector, ” says the Conservative parliamentary leader Trond Helleland.

the Right also highlights that the proposed defence budget for 2017 leave up to an increase of nok 1.9 billion in total.

see also: Mood mean the Defense can’t provide credible resistance

Corps consists

the Agreement between the coalition parties and samarbeidspartiene also means that all of the Naf five band consists.

KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide Photo: NTB scanpix

– We are very happy with them to strengthen the army and heimevern, continue Kystjegerkommandoen and all the naf five band, says KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide.

It has also been important for the Sector to ensure the continued operation of the HV11 and Sjøheimevernet in Northern Norway in 2017, he adds.

Also, the conservative party is happy that the “total capacity of the north to be built up.”

– the Acquisition of new and modern equipment requires large resources. We are happy that we get in place of this, at the same time as we preserve Kystjegerkommandoen and forces the Army and the home Guard, the corps and the Navy, says the progress party’s parliamentary leader Harald Tom Nesvik.

Read more about the defense:

military and police disagree about fellesøvelsen

A criticizing the lack of defenses in the north


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