Friday, November 18, 2016

Bergenspolitiet get huge criticism. Politidirektøren say they have worked with a … – the Newspaper.en

OSLO / BERGEN (Dagbladet):
- We are working with a proceedings that we can’t go out with now due to the investigation. I can confirm that we have had the need for substantial resources to detection and intelligence in this sakskomplekset. We are going with information about this when we are ready for it, ” says visepolitimester Olav Valland in the West police district, to Dagbladet

LARGE PROCEEDINGS: Bergenspolitiet has been in rough weather for the priorities the last time. Now investigating the a huge and comprehensive case. Photo: Tor Erik H. Mathiesen View more


In april 2016 delivered a politioverbetjent by the section for organised crime in the West police district 52-page long varslingsrapport to the superintendent. The notifier is referred to as a highly trusted employee.

It is evident from the report that large and serious narkotikasaker has been discouraged as a result of instructions from the upper management in bergenspolitiet. The department of justice and attorney general was notified about the case by the notifier.

VG revealed the case seven months after. A short time after starting the Spesialenheten investigation of possible violations of the law.

Had lost control

Politidirektør Odd Reidar Humlegård tells now about the relationship that lies behind the criticism of the politidistriktet.

He defends the parts of the hard decisions the district has made, but believes that the specific issues and enkeltutslag of the priorities must be responded to.

- One has been forced to prioritize resources differently in a period of time. This one of the reasons I think sounds reasonable. West police were on the verge of losing complete control on the straffesaksporteføljen. They had too many old cases, and when it does not help to bring new, ” says Humlegård to the Newspaper.

- Very comprehensive case

the Alert that is referred to the last time seems first and foremost to apply for the years 2013 to 2015. But the alert was sent in the year.

Now shows Humlegård that Bergenspolitiet working to resolve a large ongoing case in another saksfelt than drugs. Then he explains that the large undercover and etterforskingsressurser is moved over in this case.

the Police have thus made the tough ressursprioriteringer when it comes to detection and technical and other investigations. The last few months, they have priority hard a complex and very comprehensive issue as I have seen I agree in the importance of prioritizing. This will put Bergenspolitiet in a new light. This may also explain why the police downgrades a site, to place a bet on other to times, says Humlegård, which reviews the ongoing case as to be of the highest priority.

- It is made a fantastic effort in the case of politidistriktet. The case is very resource intensive and it has been worked with in several months. In such a case, one needs resources and travel that to the ordinary can also be used on other saksfelt, says Humlegård, which have been in Bergen twice in order to be briefed about the matter, a time before and after the summer.

- It is not so often that I travel to a district to look at a concrete case, add Humlegård to.

LARGE ONGOING CASE: Bergenspolitiet worked now with a large and comprehensive case, according to the politidirektør Odd Reidar Humlegård has the highest priority. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more

Understand the reactions
Politidirektøren was not familiar with the specific instructions that it should not be taken seizures or apprehend people in serious narkotikasaker, but he has put himself well into the alert, he argues.

the Police have followed up on the allegations in the notice of inquiry to the commanding officers about eight moments.

Humlegård understand that police officers and the general public react to enkeltutslag of hard priorities.

He refers to the example where the police were very close to a large seizure, but was told to not action.

- When you spaner on a house where it was 2.5 kilos of amphetamine on the other side of the wall and the detection is notified from the management to not act, then I understand that people react to it. But we’ll see if it is punishable in the particular case, ” says Humlegård.

- However, one needs to really prioritize so hard in Bergen that they can’t investigate and solve serious drug offences?

I think personally that you have to go in and take the drug, apprehend people and get the drug away from the streets. But we’ll see if the priorities that are made are objectionable or fraudulent, ” says Humlegård, pointing out that the Western police are also doing good things.

Better on cases against children

Humlegård tells about the prioriteringsendringer with the police.

Long has not given priority to the abuse and voldssaker, it is a priority much more now. They have previously done it all for the poor in criminal cases against children and young people. When they’re much better at it. The west police district is very well situated stand in relation to the national average, ” says Humlegård.

He points out that it is not the case that one has not had the onset against narkotikasaker in Bergen, but that it is enkeltutslag by the priorities that have gone wrong.

New figures on the number of reviews of serious offences from 1. January and august, shows that the old of Hordaland police district had established 36 cases, against 55 last year. In Oslo, the number has increased from 158 cases to 187 cases.

There has been a dip in the number of cases, but it is not an absence. It is a capacity and resources issues, and this has made more difficult priorities. In addition, the police in Bergen had this major issue that has eaten of resources for the detection and technical investigations the last few months, ” says Humlegård.

Need to improve

According to NRK sent the reporter a report on how the department of his, undercover and intelligence services, had received guidelines not to intervene when they received specific information about the gross offences of narcotics. He warned that the “ethnic networks from the Balkans with mafialignende structures has gained footing”, and that an assassin affiliated with this environment should be in Bergen.

Humlegård has notified the superintendent that such an activity can’t continue.

- Work against such environments will be up on a normal level again. The superintendent has assured me that the district shall return again to the old achievements and are going to prioritize this differently in 2017. It is important. It may not have been the case that Bergen is perceived as a place where criminal gangs can operate without the risk of getting caught. They are currently taken, but the situation now is sign, then left it an impression that it is freely forward. It has not been. It shows the numbers. But the district must back to how this was handled previously, ” says Humlegård.

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