Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bad score for Norwegian primary care physicians in the international survey – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

It is the foundation, The Commonwealth Fund which stands behind the survey, but it is the Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) which has responsibility for the Norwegian part of it.

– From previous Commonwealth Fund surveys, we know that less than ten per cent of the fastlegene in Norway conducting systematic brukererfaringsundersøkelser. This should be discussed in the light of the relatively poor results, ” says senior researcher Kjersti Eeg Skudal by FHI.

primary care physicians in Norway will score worse than their colleagues in the other countries, when users are asked if the doctor took good enough time, and involved himself as much as the patient wanted in decisions about treatment. The Norwegian patients think that physicians are less adept to explain things.

There is also a lower percentage of patients who get the time the same day with the gp in the Uk than is the average for the other ten countries.

the Survey shows that norwegians generally think much is good in the Norwegian health care system, but Norway score is also worse than the average for the other countries when it comes to waiting time at the specialist.

There is also a little more norwegians who tells you that they have dropped the treatment at the dentist because of the cost. Every fifth Norwegian answer yes to this question

Norstat conducted telefonintervjuene in the Norwegian part of the survey. The other countries participating are Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the united Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany and the united STATES.


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