Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ap-Støre rejects the Liberal demands for higher bensinavgifter – VG

Ap is not agree more with the government than with the Left, and says that the increased petrol and dieselavgifter does not give any great klimaeffekt.

Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre will not help the Left, which will make petrol and diesel more expensive in a green skatteskifte.

When no other parties than the SV and MDG wants drastic increase of these veibruksavgiftene, it can make the Liberal fight for a green skatteskifte which includes fuel surcharges, even more difficult.

Ap-the leader Støre warns in its alternative budget, that party will not increase the bensinavgiften – out over the government’s proposal of 15 cents.

Read also: So far the government is willing to go

15 cents more on diesel

Støre will vote for a slight increase of the duty on diesel: In his proposal to the national budget, adds Ap 15 ears on the top of the government’s 35 gave me an increase of dieselavgiften, in order to reduce the difference in pumpepris between gasoline and diesel.

This is marginally more than the government, but less than the Progress, as in its alternative budget proposed to raise the drivstoffavgiftene with a further 20 cents on diesel and 15 cents on gasoline.


Effect of increasing the drivstoffavgiftene alone is relatively low, writes the Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre of the party’s alternative budsjettopplegg, as Ap-management presented on Thursday morning.

the Left has demanded increase of dieselavgiften with 65 cent out of the government’s proposal, so that the fee increases by one penny per litre in 2017, and increase the bensinavgiften with 35 cent out of the government’s proposal.

Read more here: the Liberal green skattesjokk

the Ap will rather turn to the taxes on new cars that emit more than 85 grams of CO2. They are not on the government’s proposal to reduce the annual fee, and would rather not start the introduction of half the annual fee on electric cars in 2017.

Increasing taxes

the Ap does not want anything green skatteskifte. On the contrary, they increase the taxes on this field without giving anything back. Out from the expectations they have created about a green shift, was not an Aps scheme more than it had to be, ” says the Left-the deputy chair Terje Breivik to VG.

We have not created this budget to help the Left, but to answer the main challenges, where the climate, work, and a responsible economic policy is the most important. But we’ve got some good ideas from This and Left, and I would like to commend the Left for a lot of good work with the climate, ” says Støre to VG.

Greener than the government

In the light of climate change is Aps budsjettopplegg better than the government’s proposal, but not nearly as good as Left her, ” says Marius Holm in klimastiftelsen Zero.

IN VG Wednesday, he encouraged Left-leader Trine Skei Grande to trap the Solberg-government if they fail to make next year’s budget much greener.

For the first time, Ap made a roadmap for how the greenhouse gas emissions must be cut in order to reach the goals by 2030, and to publish a concrete kuttplan for more than 10 million tons of CO2, outside kvotepliktig sector, the next 14 years.

Want more biofuels

the Ap also sees the last new car in Norway with fossil fuel will be sold in 2025, but at the same time propose to increase iblandingen of biofuel gradually, all the way up to 40 per cent in 2030. The party believes this may encourage the Norwegian production of biofuels.

In 2009 removed the Stoltenberg-government avgiftsfordelen on biodiesel, thus, the production of biodiesel in the Uk closed down after a short time.

READ ALSO: – the Labour party stops the important mitigation

– We are not bound by the history, but of future commitments and what that will be. We believe that the mixture of biofuels is a better option for the portion of the total fleet will still use fossil fuel, ” says Jonas Gahr Støre to VG.

– Was it the fault of Ap to remove these benefits in 2009?

– This is not a historiekommisjon about 2009, but an alternative budget for 2017, respond Støre.

But he gets praise from the Left for the support of the Norwegian production of biofuel:

” It is positive that Ap has turned into the view of biofuels, and agree with the Left about the ambitious goal of mixture. Biofuels is a part of løsniongen, and it is important for the Norwegian skognæring, ” says Terje Breivik.


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