Wednesday, November 16, 2016

- 20-year-old charged with murder has a psykiatrihistorie – Aftenposten

the Murder which police are investigating in the Asker may have a background in the charged 20-åringens mental state.

– It will probably be a question about the sanity in this case, write the 20-åringens defender Cecilie Nakstad in an SMS to Aftenposten.

She confirms that the client has a psykiatrihistorie, and that he should be prepared for politilegen.

the Police says that the production of politilegen is with the intention to get made a judisiell observation.

Such investigations are especially made in cases where there are circumstances that give reason to ask questions about the siktedes sanity.

Police responded after the alert from a neighbor

” We responded to the residence after receiving a bekymringsmelding from a neighbor, informs the kriminalsjef Ketil Thue with the police in Asker and Bærum to the NTB.

the Death took place in the large rekkehusområdet in Åbyfaret on Vettre in Asker, norway. The police got the message from the neighbor clock 18.37 Tuesday. On site they found a lifeless man and charged the man.

We encountered the charged right outside the house, ” says Thue to Aftenposten.

the Police will not yet say anything about the victim in the case.

the Victim shall obduseres in the day. After the autopsy is done we will hopefully know more about the cause of death and identity, ” says Thue.

Questioning if he is capable of it.

Thue said police also will try to ask the charged with 20-year-old in the course of Wednesday.

– The aim of the questioning today. If he is unable to do so, type the defender Cecilie Nakstad in an SMS to Aftenposten.

The charged persons will likely be presented for varetektsfengsling Thursday.

Theory of identity

The arrest took place without drama, says Thue.

It was tried resuscitation, but it was not successful, ” says kriminalsjefen.

After the Budstikka and TV 2 experience, should have been a father, and the son of somali origin who lived in the residence, and it is the father who must be killed.

Budstikkas reporter on the spot tells of a neighbor who says he saw a young man come running out of the apartment where the dead were later found lifeless. The man should have been covered by the blood as he took himself into a naboleilighet. Where should he have gotten help to notify the police.

Not far slate

The pågrepne 20-year-old should not have been a particularly well-known to the police from before.

– He has no long record, says Thue.

the Police would Tuesday evening not comment on who lives at the address where the dead man was found. They desired rather not to comment on whether there were direct witnesses to the event.

The dead person were taken out of the residence just before at 23: 30 on Tuesday evening. Police krimteknikere continued finkjemmingen of the scene and the surrounding area into the night.


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