Saturday, October 1, 2016

Stoltenberg about the relationship to Jagland: – Thorbjørn and I have never been close … – VG

Jens Stoltenberg does not regret that he opened up about the controversy with Thorbjørn Jagland in his new book. The point was to write about both the good and bad experiences, ” he says.

In the book “My story”, which was launched on Friday, writes former prime minister and current NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg about the details of the bitter power struggle between him and Thorbjørn Jagland, which lasted until 2002.

I think I have a good relationship with Thorbjørn today, and that we, after the difficult years especially at the beginning of the 2000s, established a good cooperation again, ” says Stoltenberg.

More about the book: we Went behind the Jaglands back with secret meetings

Meet to still in a variety of contexts

On the question of whether the two interact outside public events today, and has spoken out about the controversy, he answers:

– Thorbjørn and I have never been close, personal friends. It was we don’t when we met in the Labour party in the 70, 80′s. Today hit I him still in different contexts, ” says Stoltenberg to the VG.

He admits that the years when he and Jagland failed to cooperate, were evil.

It was a bad round. It was painful for Thorbjørn, it was painful for me and bad for the Labour party.

Read also: So considering Stoltenberg, the new Ap-management

<p>MY STORY: Jens Stoltenberg stresses  the  that the book he has written is all  about him, and that he has forsøkt å  lære quite åpretty.</p>

MY STORY: Jens Stoltenberg emphasizes that the book he has written is all about him, and that he has tried to be completely open.

Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Jagland have not read the book

In his first reaction to the sensational book “My story” writes Jagland in an sms message to the VG:

<p>TAKE OPPGJØR: – I  prøver å gå in myself and see the  på what is it I could have done differently,

TAKING the SETTLEMENT: “I try to go in myself and look at what is there I could have done differently,” says Stoltenberg about the battle with Jagland.

Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

– It has never fit for me to explain what really happened prior to that I drew me as the party’s leader. I would not do it when Stoltenberg was prime minister and I The president. I would not do it now when we are leading two large international organizations.

as far As the VG understand, so do not have Jagland received forhåndsinformasjon about bokutgivelsen, or had read it that deals with him even in advance. To this answers Stoltenberg:

– I have tried to be as accessible as I can in relation to to offer the book to those who should have access to read it.

Jagland criticized you yesterday for to publish this book now, when you both are leaders of international organizations. Do you understand this criticism?

– This is a book I have been working with since 2007. I worked a lot with the book from the time I stepped down as prime minister in 2013 until I started working for NATO in 2014. I think it is a nice tradition in Norway that the prime ministers writing about their time. I have written about my, and I believe that there is a point that it is not ardeatine too much what is described in the book.

– You do not understand the criticism to Jagland?

That said, I think it is a good tradition that the man write political biographies, and that is what I have done here. I’m not saying that I’m objective in the book, but I also take my responsibility for the things that have gone wrong and working conditions that has not worked.

From the book:, Therefore, have ex-cabinet ministers go from Disastrous governments

Cooperation collapsed

In the book tells Stoltenberg how he attended the secret meetings in private homes, while an ignorant Jagland was “becoming more introverted”, “very confrontational” and interpreted all dissent as “criticism and personal attacks”.

– I was his deputy for ten years, and through all the ten years I did everything I could for that relationship would work. There was nothing I wanted more than that it would work. But the last of those years joined the collaboration to work, and I made the choices I did, ” says Stoltenberg.

the Feud started in 1992 when Jagland was leader of the Labour party after Gro Harlem Brundtland resigned. Knivingen started already at the congress that year, and persisted until the Jaglands famous claim for 36,9 percent support to continue as prime minister – which led to a shift in power in 1997.

After a subsequent catastrophic local elections, he retired as statsministerkandidat for the benefit of Stoltenberg, before he resigned as leader in 2002.

Read the review of the book: “Most lesverdig”


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