Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Girl (17) should have been assaulted and raped – Bergens Tidende

The rape allegedly took place on this footpath Friday night. Police ask for help in finding a man with crooked front tooth.

on Friday night, a girl of 17 years have been subjected to an assault rape.

the assault allegedly took place on a small walkway at Lehmkuhlhallen, beside the Norwegian School in Sandviken.

– She arrived by bus from the city, and got off the bus at BI approximately clock 20.40. On the way home she saw a man staring at her. How she became first aware of him, saying Jannike Bremen Johannessen by violence and moral section of the Bergen police.

They are now investigating the case.

Lawyer: – The girl is characterized

After eye contact walked the girl home, she has explained in interviews. An hour later she was out again, partly to act in a Statoil petrol station situated at BI, a few hundred meters from the walkway.

– When she was on the way home again, was the same man there. Then the assault and rape have happened, says Johannessen.

The assault allegedly took place on a walkway from the training hall and Jaeger Bakken, most likely in the period 21.45 to 22 Friday evening. The walkway is the natural way to go for those who will go from NHH towards the city center.

– He got in touch with her, and it was used some power. So he conducted a rape, says Johannessen.

Aid attorney for 17-year-old Ellen Eikeseth Mjøs, calling the matter very seriously.

– the girl is naturally affected by what has happened, she says. Mjøs do not want to say anything further about the matter now.

Wry incisor, spoke broken Norwegian

In questioning 17-year-old provided a description of a man probably between 30-45 years. He allegedly appearance from the Middle East.

– He is described as around 1.70 high, with a front tooth that is slightly skewed. He wore black pants and jacket, and possibly a blue T-shirt. He spoke broken Norwegian, says Johannessen. They Tuesday received some tips, but none has so far led to any breakthrough.

She asks the audience who were around Lehmkuhlhallen from clock 20.30 22.30 Friday 29 July contact if they can help .

the police were notified on Monday night. The girl has been rape.

Get things in Bergen

Assault rape occurs on average 1-3 times a year in Oslo. It is based on a review of all rape reviews from the police district in the years 2010-2011. The time was 2-3 of the cases they defined as assault rapes.

In 2014, it recorded a total of 118 rape reports in what was then the Hordaland police. Rapes that occur while the victim is asleep, or at a party, is committed by most.

In Bergen there are few similar cases under investigation, according to the four police stations in Bergen. Police in Bergen west investigating a rape that allegedly took place the night of June 4 this year. A woman should then have been raped by a pirate taxi driver.

Student Indent few days

The walkway in Sandviken are usually somewhat populated by people, since it is right at BI. It is a widely used bus stop about 50-100 meters from the scene. But summer vacation means that there are far fewer students in the area than usual.

It is changing in a few days. If less than two weeks is the influx of new students to BI, which has a comprehensive system in mentor week. Many of them will go past the walkway on the way from school to the next student housing at Hatleberg.

NHH states that rape review will get them to raise awareness for the new students. Around 450 new undergraduates starting mentor week August 15th.

– Do not go home alone

– We’re going to put this on the agenda. We have not planned anything specific races, but since this has happened, we will see whether we should inform differently than we have done previously, says communications manager Kristin Risvand Mo at school in Sandviken.

Mentor Week has the student union a extra security arrangements at the time, including the hired car if someone is anxious or unable to get home for the machine.

– Students receive information about not going home alone, says Mo.

the National Stage in Bergen became a UiB student exposed to an approximate assault rape in 2012 under the university’s mentor.

Investigators now checks any surveillance cameras around Lehmkuhlhallen. For now it is not found pictures of the man. It is not made drawings.

– The man may have a possible affiliation to the area since he went around there so long. We are checking now like conditions, says Johannessen.

Bård Johansen Sib training, which owns and operates Lehmkuhlhallen, saying that he had not previously heard of similar conditions. In the move he remembers only a burglary in the early 2000s.

Lite surveillance cameras

There are no cameras covering the area from the hall to the walkway, according to the training manager. Nor has it neighbor BI, whereas it’s at the gas station nearby.

– The walkway down from the hall is a little obscure in Johansen says when BT tells him about the Reviewed rape.

– police have contacted us, but we have no surveillance cameras that can help them, says Kristin Risvand Mo at BI.


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