Monday, July 18, 2016

- Wanted possible survivors – Future of the North

The Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) North North received a signal from the boat’s emergency beacon at 3:10 on Monday night. According to HRS is the wreck of the 35-foot fishing boat probably located at around 30 meters depth.

– There have been no further discoveries of significance in the last hour, according to HRS.

It is still unclear what has happened. According to Iversen was at least one person on board, but it may have been more people.

– We still do not know what has happened, but theoretically it is possible that they may have come up on the land .

Seeking in huts

There are now inserted volunteer crews from Norwegian People’s aid and Rescue Nordreisa, who is now on sent to the area to search along the beaches and checking cottages nearby area .

– It is now inserted crew ashore. They should go strandsøk and check out the cabins in the areas. They should start by Hamneidet and exploration along a 8.9 kilometer long shoreline. It may be that the person has taken in at a cabin nearby and is there to help, says Frode Iversen HRS to Future in the North.

At sea there is a restricted area basing each on. Both rescue boat and Sea King made strandsøk from the sea.

Localized crash site

The boat should have crashed a few hundred meters from shore.

– Redningsskøyta believe they have located boat, and the search has been going on since three o’clock in the night. Beyond that, we know not yet so much, said rescue leader Frode Iversen said.

More in Search tools

The time 4:05 notified rescue boat participating in the search, the discovery of debris and diesel in the area . It was then sent an ambulance and a Sea King helicopter into the area. Also coastguard vessel Sortland participating in the search.

It is made strandsøk on both sides of the presumed crash site. Rescue helicopter also searched the waters surrounding areas, but at seven o’clock Monday morning it is still not made any findings.

Can be difficult exploration conditions

According to HRS has been good weather to search forward until now, but forecast indicates that there will be rain.

– Then it may be more difficult to apply if visibility deteriorates, but it probably will not be critical, says Iversen in HRS .


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