Saturday, July 16, 2016

Urges Oslo apprentices to head north – Avisa Nordland

AN + to just 99 million for eight weeks

Confederation asking the hundreds of Oslo pupils missing apprenticeship this fall about getting out of the capital and head north.

Troms and Svalbard are cited as attractive areas in need of apprentices.

– Young must see opportunities in a region with the lowest unemployment rate in 2016. there’s always a need for professionals says regional director of NHO Troms and Svalbard, Christian Chramer, Dagsavisen.

A total of 400 apprentices missing work in the autumn, after a record number have applied for apprenticeships in the capital.

According Chramer is the demand for professionals in occupations like construction, seafood industry, tourism industry and the shipbuilding industry in Troms and electricians, building trades and refinish on Svalbard.

Education Oslo points out to the newspaper that more people will get an apprenticeship when fall arrives . (© NTB)


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