Monday, July 25, 2016

We must enter in municipal taxes – Vesterålen Online

VG presents Monday a list of how much each municipality requires in municipal taxes from its citizens.

The figures are from Statistics Norway’s survey of municipal taxes, which are based on figures municipalities have submitted to Kostra for 2016.

There are residents in Lødingen and Sortland must enter at least when the bill for water, sewage, garbage collection and sweeping payable. Most expensive is it Øksnes and Bø. While a Løding big one must pay 8800 for municipal taxes, a bøfjerding out with 12,826 kroner.

It is still far from what the citizens have to pay the Highlands and Dovre, the country’s most expensive municipalities. They require over 19,000 million in municipal taxes.

General Peter Batta in Huseiernes Association told VG that municipalities must streamline their services in order to deal with the major tax differences.

– We have over 400 municipalities, but there are over 1100 municipal waterworks. It is incomprehensible and so costly that it contributes to the large differences in charges, said Batta told VG.

Municipal taxes (change from previous year):

  • Lødingen: 8800 (-16 percent)
  • Sortland: 8893 (11 percent)
  • Andøy: 9189 million (+2 percent)
  • Hadsel: 9938 (-1 percent)
  • Øksnes: 12.057 (+7 percent)
  • Bo: 12.826 (+1 percent)

The investigation includes charges for water, sewer, garbage collection and sweeping and takes according to VG base in a standard housing of 120 square meters, including VAT.


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