Monday, July 11, 2016

Three detained for fatal violence in Stjordal – VG

Three of the accused Lithuanians is in custody for four weeks of deadly violence against a compatriot 20s Stjordal weekend. The fourth is released, but this ruling was appealed.

It was 4:30 on Friday night that the police received a report about a wounded man in Lanke Stjordal. When they came to the place the man was dead.

Four people have been charged in the case. Three of them are in custody for four weeks by letter and restraining the first two weeks. The fourth was released, but since the prosecution appealed the decision, sits person still imprisoned.

Operations Day Hjulstad by North Trøndelag Police estimate that the appeal be decided on Tuesday.

– we are of a different opinion than the right, and believes there is so much unclear in the case that we need time to obtain more facts. Therefore, the accused detained until we have gained more clarity in it, says Hjulstad VG.

Read also : Police call for witnesses after the death in Stjørdal

one released

one of the four was released because the court determined there was not sufficient reason to suspect him of complicity in the violence that led to the death, according to Adresseavisen.

he has explained to police that he left the scene several hours before the estimated time of death. The man was arrested at home in their own homes in Stjørdal.

The other three were arrested at the scene in Lanke, where they live together with the deceased. Of the four, only one who says that he was on the spot when the death occurred, according to NRK.

None of the accused acknowledges guilt.

Wallpaper : Four people accused of violence by death in Stjørdal

Considering charges

the four Lithuanians are currently charged with severe body infringement or complicity in this.

the preliminary autopsy report shows that the man died of injuries he had sustained, and the police stated at the weekend that they continuously assess whether the charges against the four men to change.

Three of the accused were questioned Saturday while the fourth was questioned Sunday. Police said there were a number of challenges related to language, and interrogations took place with an interpreter.

– The investigation will continue throughout the week. It still takes forensic investigations, says Tore Sparby, acting sheriff in Stjørdal.

Calls for witnesses

Police call for witness observations of a “grown man walking or jogging on the stretch between Frigård and Stjørdal “.

One of the accused has in interviews said that he went on foot from the scene and to his residence in Stjørdal, and police want to verify his explanation.

they are interested in observations in the period from the time 1 to 5 o’clock on Friday night.

Source: NTB / VG


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