Monday, July 11, 2016

Stavanger schools should practice school shooting –

Principals in Stavanger will attend courses in serious incidents, such as school shooting.

autumn starts all primary and secondary schools in Stavanger with a comprehensive program where all principals will through courses and exercises to practice on serious mislead violence incidents. Several principals are positive measure, NRK Rogaland.

Initially, the exercises are run for adults, said Emergency Coordinator, Reidun Vevle.

– We have been waiting to put this issue on the agenda. There are certain deficiencies in the schools, and we wonder what procedures we have. It is important, for this is something that can happen anytime, says former principal Stein Endresen on kannik ungdomsskole in Stavanger to NRK.

The HT Jørn Pedersen in Stavanger mean it is important that schools are prepared, both for students and employee safety.

– There is a lively debate about this in the community. Fortunately, we have little experience with concrete situations here in Norway. We have had situations where we’ve feared that something might happen, and it is important to have clear procedures, he said.

In addition to courses and exercises, undergo municipality now what physical safeguards schools should have.

school shooting

* 76 school shoot downs, or 63 percent of school shootings worldwide until the end of 2011, happened in the US. Of 44 skoleskytningfer outside the US happened 20 in Europe.

* Most skoleskytingene outside the United States have occurred since 1999, while the number skolskytinger in the US have remained stable during the same periodic after a growth in the 1990s.

* There were no school shootings in Norway so far. The nearest events took place in Finland in 2007 and 2008.

* In Norway, schools, health care and police initiated action against school shooting.

* Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) analyzed in the report National Risk Photo 2015 risk of school shooting, with starting point in a hypothetical Senari in Nordland.

* DSB envisages several measures to reduce the risk of school shooting. For example, it is important that authorities are following up the individual pupil, are coordinated. Schools must have a contingency plan for school shooting, and it must be practiced. It is also important that teachers, school health services and other relevant actors are given the necessary knowledge of the school shooting and the typical perpetrator.

(Source: DSB, NTB)


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