Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sanitized not of Public Prosecutions – Bergens Tidende

Police Attorney Sidsel Isachsen can not dismissed their case as “nothing criminal offense.”

It was Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of police Affairs who investigated Isachsen involvement in Monika case. The Bureau concluded dismissal, which Isachsen himself and counsel Monika Sviglinskajas mother complained.

NRK reports now that none of the complaints were upheld.

Isachsen complained about the decision, because the case was dismissed “for evidence.” The lawyer wanted it to be like “no offense”.


In a press release writing Prosecutions following:

“Assistant Chief Constable execution of prosecution charge was reprehensible, but Prosecutions found that she could not be given such a huge responsibility for the failed during the investigation that her behavior could be deemed to constitute serious dereliction of duty. “

They write that it was especially emphasized that she had favored that the investigation and the police disciplinary investigation management gave her a sufficient basis to make correct decisions.

“The Bureau’s investigation, however, had not been established fact in such a way that the case for her part could be dismissed as no criminal regarded as proven.”

Soon sentence

eight-year-old Monika Sviglinskaja was found dead, hanging by a belt at home in Sotra November 14, 2011. Nine months later, the case was dropped as probably suicide.

Read also

In May 2014 resumed Hordaland Police investigation, and in October the same year, her mother’s former partner, 34-year litauer arrested and charged with murder.


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