Thursday, July 14, 2016

Rescued at sea – so watching boat out now – TV 2

The image Redningsselskapet published after having arrived at the accident site shows why the two adults with two children and dog decided to jump into the sea.

The boat is completely burnt out.

According to police Vestfold were all on board picked up from the sea after jumping into the sea between Nevlunghavn and Tvistein lighthouse.

– all people are out of water. They were rescued by a pleasure boat, said operations manager Anne Meyer of South East police told TV2.

Lay seven minutes in the sea

According JRCC is the condition of all five “ok”.

– the travel companion is now being transported to countries where police and ambulance waiting, says Meyer.

There were individuals who saw the fire which alerted the police, who then notified the Rescue Coordination Centre of båtbrannen.

Just before the clock 20.15 notify JRCC that RS Stormbull have transported the castaways to land in Nevlunghavn.

– they lay about seven minutes in the sea, tells a visiting Fredrik Hove on RS Stormbull to TV 2.

– Rescued by lifejackets

He and the rest of the crew took the two adults with children and dog that everyone had lifejackets on. It believes he may have been crucial for the fire did not fatal.

– They did everything right and jumped into the sea with life jackets on. Even the dog, which was quite small, had west on. It has enough saved their lives, said Hove.

According to Hove has the unfortunate seamen told engine cruisers abruptly stopped, and then it began to burn.

– It went very very fast, they told us.

Hove think the accident is a good reminder for all at sea on both checking the boat’s condition before go out and do as they rescued: Use west.


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