Thursday, July 14, 2016

Reaction Erte against illegal camping – NRK

– We assist Rusken to clear any camper in Ekeberg slope, where some people have taken illegal sojourner, says Odd Rusten, division head of the Oslo police.

Rusen -general January Hauger said the area they will start to clear is insanely littered.

Photo: Kjetil Grude Flekkøy / NRK

the action was initiated by five o’clock Thursday morning. The overnight was awakened and had to showcase ID papers. The NRK spoke to those who were dismissed today say that they are from Bucharest in Romania.

The police have stated that people need to pack their belongings and leave the camps in 08:00, then Rusken shall put started to clean areas.

it was today raided two camps, but according Rusken there are around eight places in Ekeberg area where the campe illegal.

– police have received many inquiries from neighbors and people who use the area as a recreational area. They feel insecure, while being insanely littered. It is open air toilets around the camps, and it smells nothing particularly nice, says Rusken-general in January Hauger.

To camp is allowed, but not for long, and littering is prohibited.

– We were sleeping. Then came the police. Now we go down to the center of Oslo, but where we will sleep tonight, we know not, says Alexi Drill, who has been living in a camp in Ekebergåsen.

Drill says he works as artisan in Norway.

Last week Rusken general despair police efforts in the area and felt they did not take the problem seriously. Rubbish, tarpaulins, food leftovers and feces has met the walker in the past month, and Hauger said police did not show up to help them remove the camps.

Piles estimate that they live around 30 people in each of the two camps that are currently cleared.

Alexi Drill got today told to pack their belongings and leave the tent camp he lived in, in Ekebergåsen.

Photo: Martin Holvik / NRK


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