Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Get no strawberry replacement – Dagsavisen

– We have so far challenged the Farmers’ Union on whether they want to reallocate money within current agricultural agreement, something they’ve rejected, and then we did not feel any need to follow it further up, said Undersecretary of Agriculture and Food, Terje Hall Country (FRP), said.


He met yesterday Norwegian Farmers’ Union and Agderbær to talk about the extraordinary strawberry situation that has arisen as a result of gråskimmelsopp have destroyed crops in several places in the country.


– We see resistance issues and follow it up, and use the device that is available today, says Hall Country.


Norwegian Farmers’ Union is pleased that the ministry shares their decision to follow up, but doubt that the existing programs are comprehensive enough.


– We wish the ministry had had more to set up, with a view to mapping the actual situation, says deputy Bjorn Gimming in Farmers’ Association.


ALSO READ: Ber Minister Dale save strawberries crisis


– Very serious


The first reports of trouble gråskimmelsopp came from Agder and Rogaland, where several farmers stated that they have lost over half of its production. In eastern fungus has also caused major damage and lost revenue. In Northern Norway drops berries probably from fungus attack.


– Overall, we are experiencing 40 percent reduced harvests this year compared to a normal year. While some manufacturers are taped up to 100 percent. It is very special and it is very serious for those concerned, telling Gimming.


Gråskimmelsopp frames strawberry production each year, but since it has rained a lot this year and fungus thrive additional well under humid conditions, fungus attack have been more widespread than usual.


– The farmers are primarily looking for is to ascertain the situation around the resistance and if this fungus has developed resistance to the pesticides that are a part of farmers’ toolbox, says Gimming.


No scheme


Labour Party, the Centre Party and Socialist Left Party has advocated the need for a stimulus package for the strawberry farmers who received crop destroyed by fungus.


– To ask farmers to take money from the agricultural settlement to this that no one could foresee, the disclaimer. It shows an agriculture minister who thinks it’s a fat about strawberry industry survives or not, says Member of Parliament Karin Andersen (SV) said.


Agriculture Minister Jon Georg Dale (FRP) has previously stated that strawberry farmers have to deal with the losses on their own.


From before there Compensation for berries affected by climate problems and frost, but there are no such arrangements for the strawberry farmers are experiencing now.


– We have no problems to sympathize with the farmers, but to engage in agricultural production has risks, said Mr Hall Country.


READ ALSO: Record Lack of strawberries


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