Monday, July 11, 2016

Caravans against truck on E18 – Telemarksavisa

PORSGRUNN: Emergency services who managed to traffic accident on the gangplank bridge Monday afternoon. There are reports of serious traffic problems on E18 as a result of the accident.

LATEST : gangplank bridge is paved and open to traffic. It may take time before the long queue detach themselves, NRK reported.

Long queues

E18 was closed for several hours after it in 13:30 hours were reported traffic accident on the gangplank bridge.

the fire brigade, police and ambulance crews were sent to the scene.

the traffic was shut down in both directions and there were reports of about queue until Rugtvedt Crossed Bamble.

the front

First message police went out with hot that there had been a frontal collision between truck and camper.

But it would prove that there was a caravan that had hit the truck.

– there should be a caravan which was towed that have ended over the oncoming field, there were not people in the wagon when the accident occurred, writes police Twitter clock 14.18 Monday afternoon.

– caravans and housing of the truck received major damage. Caravans are smashed to pieces. The road is completely blocked in both directions and will probably be there for a while until they have been cleaned up. After the rain has come so it’s pretty smooth on the spot, reported TAs photographer.

– The driver of the truck received injuries in one arm, otherwise no reports of injury, reports the Southeast police.

the driver was sent to hospital in Skien for treatment.


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