Monday, July 18, 2016

Bet on elements of a neighbor’s ear – TV 2

A man in 50s was arrested and charged with bodily injury by a neighbor dispute in Fredrikstad.

The story is police as follows: The accused man went out into the garden on Monday night. He wanted to light up an outdoor fireplace. The neighbors, a married couple in the middle of the 60s, did not want the man to fire in the fireplace. Then arose the quarrel.

The accused man in the 50s went berserk: He bit off parts of neighboring man’s ear. The wife of the man who was bitten in the ear was turned down. She started bleeding in the mouth.

The police was notified of the incident at half past one o’clock.

– Both the victims are sent to the emergency room, but none of them is seriously injured, said operations in East police, Runar Eriksen to TV2.

the arrested man does not live in the house of the ordinary – he was only a guest, police said.

the accused was drunk when he was arrested. The man is not an acquaintance of the police earlier. He will be questioned Monday.


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