Monday, July 11, 2016

Ask the Minister of Agriculture handle strawberries crisis – NRK

– This is a serious situation we have landed up in. Therefore it in place an extraordinary stimulus package so that we do not lose large parts of the Norwegian bærprodusentene, says Geir Pollestad (Sp), chairman of the nutrition committee of the Storting NRK.

– Anyone engaged in manufacturing knows that conditions vary, but this year it’s quite extraordinary. Then we must be willing to consider extraordinary measures, said.

– Extraordinary

Geir Pollestad (Q) is the leader of the industry committee of the Parliament.

Photo: Ruud, Vidar / NTB scanpix

According Bama has never before been so much damage to the berries as this year, and the Farmers’ Association and the Centre is now calling for compensation schemes to cover the loss.

Pollestad believes that losses may be so large that it is unreasonable to expect that farmers themselves should cover the loss.

– the normal fluctuations from year to year, it is the farmers who have to live with. In other areas we have compensation schemes that can step in, he said.

– We must see what the consequences will be if we let people go bankrupt or choose to quit. What will it mean for the overall nærnæringen. I mean it is extraordinary this year and requires the Minister of Agriculture gets involved and contribute financially, says Pollestad.

Fearing huge losses

The existence awaits strawberry farmers huge losses caused by the fungus botrytis has attacked the strawberry fields.

last week wrote NRK that the fungus is beginning to spread to other parts of the country.

Then it also appears that more fears the fungus is resistant to pesticides.

– the current funding will only work on a small point in the fungus its lifecycle. It happens when the fungus gets out of this point is that it is resistant, said Jan Karsten Henriksen in Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Agder.

– A national treasure

From before there Compensation for berries impacted by climate problems and frost.

– We expect the minister of agriculture makes its own assessment of this case and not just hiding away and pointing at Agriculture Directorate, says Pollestad.

He stressed that the regulations are so flexible that it should be possible to find a good solution.

– Perhaps for the Minister of agriculture and FRP is hip as happenning on the strawberries come from the Netherlands or Norway, but the Norwegian berries are a national treasure and we believe in the Centre that must be exploited, says Pollestad.

NRK has tried to get in touch with the minister of agriculture.


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