Friday, July 15, 2016

Abuse Victims at Romsås: – Never thought that he should be taken – Aftenposten

A 41 year old man was on Monday arrested, charged with rape of a child under 14 years.

Assaults man is accused of took place on Romsås in Groruddalen in Oslo June 20, 2000.

Jørn Hergot is counsel for one victim, who is now a woman in her early 20s.

– She is happy and not least relieved that he’s taken. She did not believe he should be taken, and am glad that we have a DNA database.

Hergot confirms that the woman has been questioned by the police, but it is not clear whether the becomes more questioning.

– What does she look forward to a possible lawsuit?

– Charged she must have to accept that he’s taken, and then getting she prepare for, respond Hergot.

Åste Solberg Hansen is counsel for the other young woman. She would not comment on anything yet.

Stayed around playground

16 years ago, a man having stayed around the playground at Tiur Leiken school for a few hours.

Sometime between 19 clock and 20.15 he should have brought along two girls of six and seven years into a grove and assaulted them.

Ten days later secured the police a DNA profile in the case. But the profile was unknown. It lay not in police identity register.

Five months later the investigation closed their investigation with code “unknown perpetrator”.

In an article in Dagbladet from 2000 described the fear that parents in the area had in the aftermath of abuse.

Stopped by Swedish police at the border

It was 16 years have passed since the atrocities on Romsås. But last year something happened that would lead to a new arrest in the case this week.

Just before midnight on 7 December 2014, the now accused 41-year-old stopped by Swedish police at Bograngen near the border.

85000 profiles registered in the DNA register to NCIS – police has breakthrough over 860 times so far this year, you can learn more: Questions and answers about DNA and the police DNA database

the man had been in Germany for buy large beer, wine and spirits. He explained that he would use the road over Finnskogen to avoid customs control.

The unemployed Swede said he had bought 148 liters of liquor, 116 liters of beer and 20 liters of wine to give to friends or enjoy live itself.

Took DNA after conviction for smuggling

22. Last July, he was sentenced to three months imprisonment in Helsingborg District Court. In March they sent the judgment of the Norwegian police for the man to get zone in Norway.

23. March was taken DNA of man. And last week got the Oslo police told: It was hit on 41-year-old’s DNA profile. The matched biological material from abuse case on Romsås in 2000.

The police approached the man and Monday he showed up voluntarily to the police and was arrested, charged with rape of a child under 14 years.

Police Superintendent Kari-Janne Lid head section for sexual offenses in the Oslo police and says that it is limited how much they could say about the investigation, because the man sitting on the atonement without any restrictions on what he can read in the media.

She also confirms that after the completion of the sentence, the police will consider preparing him for custody.

Both the victims and other central witnesses are questioned.

it is not planned new questioning of the accused at first, pending the examination of other key persons and other investigations.

is father of two

the man, who also has a sentence in Norway for violation of accounting and tax law, the father of two children.

He has worked as a professional driver for several years and is resident in Romerike.

According to Dagbladet, police including seized a computer having ransacked his residence, and will browse the contents of your computer.

Aftenposten Friday not yet got hold of the man’s lawyer, Frode Sulland. But earlier this week said Sulland the client stood puzzled by the indictment.

Viewing rape Review over again

The man was also reviewed for a rape in 2006, but the case were dropped because of insufficient evidence.

Police superintendent Kari-Janne Lid say they are about to receive paperwork from Romerike Police about the case and will go through it again.

– we will then consider whether there are grounds to ask for readmission.

Some more details about the case in 2006 Lid not date.

police also via NCIS sent out DNA profile of cooperative countries to check whether he can be involved in other abuse cases abroad. But so far they have not received an answer about something hits.

– We have no concrete suspicion toward other matters.


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