Monday, June 13, 2016

Recalled victims Orlando massacre: – An attack on us all – VG

Actor Anders Rogg has shooting massacre in Orlando has been a personal stress.

– This is an attack on us all. It’s personal. And it hurts, he says to VG.

VG he meets outside the US embassy in Oslo Monday evening, where about 200 people showed up to show solidarity and commemorate the 49 victims of mass shootings in Orlando for the weekend.

– there are many who have lost their lives because they love as they do and because they dared to show it off, said Ingvild Endestad leader in FRI, Society for gender – and sexuality lack people who organized the commemoration.

Early Sunday morning, the US experienced what police call the deadliest mass shootings in recent history. Omar Mateen managed to kill 49 people and wound at least 53 before he himself was killed by police.

Read also : What we know about the perpetrator

& lt; p & gt; ST & # xc5; R TOGETHER:  frieze leader Ingvild Endestad f & # xE5; r a  hug during the commemoration outside the US  Embassy. Anders Rogg, many & # xE5; rig gay  activist had also & # xE5; m & # xF8; tt  up for & # xE5; solidarity and purchase  & # xE6; honesty. & lt; / p & gt;

STANDING TOGETHER: frieze leader Ingvild Endestad gets a hug during the commemoration outside the US Embassy. Anders Rogg, longstanding gay activist had also turned up to show solidarity and love.

Photo: Helge Mikalsen VG

not afraid

For an actor and musician Anders Rogg attacked a strain. He has been active in the gay community in Norway for 30 years.

– They’ve killed 49 of our own. It is not blind violence.

Yet he not been afraid.

– It’s brilliant to be gay in Norway and it will continue to be. I’ve only been turned down once. “Oh, there is Anders Rogg, the damn soper`n” said someone and struck me down. People know who I am, I have been so-called national gay for 30 years, so I avoid taxi queues, cup finals and places with lots full of people. But beyond that it’s fine.

– Will you be more careful now?

– No, on the contrary. Next weekend will be the Oslo Pride. Then we go to train, dress and be weird. And otherwise, we must continue to live, to fight. Homosexuality is still illegal in 75 countries, says Rogg told VG.

After a minute’s silence let the many in attendance presenting flowers and attached rainbow flag on the fence toward the Royal Palace. A representative from the US Embassy thanked the many in attendance and the Norwegian people for all the support. The embassy had also Colored six of the embassy’s windows in rainbow flag colors in solidarity with the gays.

Attacks on security

– Gay bar Pulse Orlando has for many been a safe place for intolerance and discrimination and will now be remembered for the opposite, says Endestad, and stressed that they will not be intimidated.

instead think she added a lot is going to meet up when the gays congregate to feast on Oslo Pride next weekend.

– Gay environments often acts as families. We are also part of this family here in Norway. Our struggle to live our lives on our own terms is not yet over and together we meet hatred with love, she said on the way to London Pub, which is the gay safe harbor in Oslo, so Pulse was there for the gays in Orlando.

Early Sunday morning, the US experienced what police call the deadliest mass shootings in recent history, when a man killed 49 and injured at least 53 people when he opened fire in the gay bar.

Read also: the Church will consecrate

instead think she added a lot is going to meet up when the gays congregate to feast on Oslo Pride in next weekend.

– Gay environments often acts as families . We are also part of this family here in Norway. Our struggle to live our lives on our own terms is not yet over and together we meet hatred with love, she said on the way to London pub, which is gay safe harbor in Oslo, so Pulse was there for the gays in Orlando.

& lt; p & gt; TENTE LIGHT: & # x2013;  We will not scare says Daniel Schmidt (27). Being  half American f & # xF8; he laughs out extra  strong requests & # xF8, rt. He knew also  & # xE5; more affected by terror p & #  xE5; Out & # xF8; ya in 2011. & lt; / p & gt;

TENTE LIGHT: – We will not scare says Daniel Schmidt (27). Being half American, he feels particularly strongly affected. He also knew several who were hit by terror at Utøya in 2011.

Photo: Helge Mikalsen VG

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