Monday, June 13, 2016

Meling rage against PST: – Well if you want to get rid of Mullah Krekar – NRK

Extradition case against Mullah Krekar, better known as Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad and a 42 year old Iraqi national living in Drammen continued in Oslo District Court Monday. Italian prosecutors believe Krekar is the leader of the international terrorist network Rawt and want him and 42-year-old extradited to Italy for prosecution.

The reason for the charges is an Italian investigation stretching back to 2011, where PST also has contributed. The Norwegian contribution includes monitoring of Krekar’s cell in Kongsvinger prison in 2012 and 2013.

Here Krekar talking with a British citizen to “continue with the plan to burn the Norwegian flag.” The reading of the summary of the footage got Krekar to shake your head.

– These things I never said. The Norwegian flag is for all Norwegians, including the new ones. It’s like the coat of arms, I have respect for both. The fact that I am against something, does not mean that I disagree with all of the Norwegian society.

– Scaring the nation

The recordings of the relevant conversations are not played in court. Instead read it up from a summary that has been used connection with the Italian investigation. Police Attorney in PST, Signe Aalling, read further from the summary, where it is spoken about “burning the constitution, then burn their parliament”.

Krekar said in court that he believes the footage was fabricated.

– I tell about something others have said, then cut one out and say it is I who pronounces me about this. I do not believe in burning the Norwegian flag. I do not believe in burning down an embassy. Why should I believe burning the Norwegian embassy, ​​which is part of the Norwegian people?

Aalling continue reading from the summary, where Krekar further states that “Norwegians are cowardly,” and ” it only takes an activist or suicide bombs to intimidate the whole nation. “

– I do not remember this, but when you say it comes amid a conversation I think there must be something before that and after the. The fact that one fears a suicide bomber is quite clear. Is there such into the hall, we run all out, says Krekar.

Mulla Krekar and defender Brynjar Meling react to that secret recordings may not be played in court.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

– Had confirmed Krekar version

Mullah Krekar’s lawyer, Brynjar Meling, points out that that was read out in court is summaries of translations of “alleged conversations.” He believes it would strengthen Krekar’s case concerning the talks had been played in its entirety.

– If we had these conversations played in court, had Krekar’s version has been confirmed. When do people consider who have an interest in information about the case: Those who want to play all of the court, or PST that will that the court should deal with bad translations, says Meling, adding:

– it is very convenient for them to get rid of Mullah Krekar.

According Meling is a lot of it Krekar has said in response to questions and general statements. This latter including conversation about suicide bombings.

– This was general statements and nothing about specific about plans, or that it was appropriate to do so. It was analysis of statements made by others.

PST: Do not all conversations

PST police lawyer Signe Alling admits summaries of footage from Kongsvinger prison does not give the full picture.

photo: Braastad, Audun / NTB scanpix

Police Attorney in PST, Signe Aalling, admits that it had been easier to assess the content of the recordings, if they played in their entirety.

– This is part of the evidence that allows prosecutors believe there are reasonable grounds for suspicion. I agree that we do not know all these calls. It is abstract and there are sometimes divided. There is no dialogue set, so I understand the objection, saying Aalling.

She believes what appears in the footage still stands on its own, pointing out that there is no full proof image against Krekar to be considered in the Oslo District Court.

– This is a case where there are conditions for extradition to be tested. When we relate to the material we receive from the state requesting extradition. It should be something special in order to bring in more evidence. Certificates shall not be tried here, they will be tried in the country who crave action, says Aalling.

– Banal and miserable

The summary of the sound recordings come it also appears that Krekar talked about the tyrkiskkurdiske rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan. Krekar shows that rebellion and confrontation should have led the Turkish government sent a delegation to the prison to negotiate with the PKK founder.

Aalling believes this suggests that Krekar was impatient at the prison, which Krekar denies.

– was it discussed that a bomb would lead to their release?

– it’s trite and lousy chat if it is at that level. It can that it has been cut and pasted. It’s possible I have given an example, that it is something that is taken from the internet or Paltalk: Maybe about a person who was involved in the September 11, I do not know, says Krekar.

– Ready to sit here 60 times

Mullah Krekar believes the alleged terrorist network Rawt is an ideological platform for a democratic party in northern Iraq. According Krekar, he has had a five-year plan to gather members and that it would act as a human body.

According to Krekar, he has in recent years not said or done something punishable. According to suitable metrics have Krekar been over 60 times in a Norwegian court. He denies that he will change his rhetoric to avoid having to face in Norwegian courts in the future.

– I’ve been 61 times. I am ready to sit here 60 times, because I was not going to change what I believe in, says Krekar.

Krekar finished his explanation just before 12.00 Monday. 42-year-old resident of Drammen began his testimony after lunch. 42-year-old is open that he has met Krekar several times, but denies that he’s part of a terrorist network.

Facts about Krekar and the Italian investigation

* Italian terrorpoliti claims that Mullah Krekar is the leader of a new terrorist organization with connections to the Islamic state (iS).

* They claim 38-year-old with Krekar has planned “covert operations” in Kurdistan, disguised as humanitarian aid. Italians believe it is revealed that he was involved in kidnappings and extortion by politicians in the Kurdish areas of Iraq.

* The November 11 ended Italian terrorpoliti action “JWeb” or “Jihad on web”, the the alleged terrorist group “Rawti SHAX.”

* Mullah Krekar was arrested after Italian police charged him with terrorist plots. He is suspected of being the leader of 16 other Kurdish Iraqis and Kosovo Albanians who were all arrested in Europe.

* Ten people have been arrested in northern Italy and the UK, three people have been arrested in Norway, while four are arrested in Finland and Switzerland.

* in 2012 Mullah Krekar questioned by German police in the same case without leading to anything. In this case was also Makwana Karim as a witness.

When Brynjar Lia, a former researcher was a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, was expert in a Krekar trial in 2012, he called Rawti SHAX a “revolutionary underground movement in Iraqi and Iranian Kurdistan “which Krekar eventually intended to do to” an operational, armed group. “

* Rawti SHAX ‘goal will be to overthrow the current government in Iraq and replace it with a caliphate ruled by sharia law, according to Italian prosecutors.

* Krekar have described Rawti SHAX as a form of ideological platform, which will form the framework for a democratic party sometime in the future.

* Anti-Terrorism police in Italy said on his part that they know of 15 cases where the Iraqi Kurds are sent into battle in Syria and Iraq through Krekar network.

* they also believe Rawti SHAX communicated via internet and assisted with logistics and financial support for recruiting foreign fighters.

* Krekar, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, was born on 7 July 1956 came to Norway as a quota refugee in 1991. Until 2002 he led the rebel group Ansar al-Islam in northern Iraq.

* Makwana Karim (38) came to Norway as a humanitarian refugee in 1999. He is from the town Penjwen in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish regjonen of northern Iraq. Karim denies that he is part of a network, and says to NRK that he only works as a journalist.

* In addition to Krekar and Karim was also a 42 year old Iraqi national living in Drammen arrested. The man refuses to be part of a terrorist network. It has not succeeded NRK to get in touch with the man’s lawyer, Solveig Kristine Høgtun.

Sources: NRK / NTB


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