Saturday, May 7, 2016

The first summer is a fact! – VG

BERGEN (AP) Mark your calendar; the first summer is here!

Along the coast of southern Norway is expected temperatures above 20 degrees Saturday. May 7 thus becomes the first summer, according to meteorologists, NTB reported.

good weather bathed southern Norway in delicious warmth of spring and sun, can last until May 17 even though the north wind threatening at Pentecost times. But at Sola today showed the thermometer 20.9 degrees at 11 noon. On Hjelmeland temperature was 20.5 and in Haugesund was the 20.1 degrees, the meteorological service.

– There is calm wind conditions, and we expect temperatures above 20 degrees during the day along the coast of southern Norway, said state meteorologist Rafael Grote said.

– We have some more clouds in more og Romsdal and Trøndelag. Temperatures decreases the further north we get, says Grote.

Although the reported fair weather in the coming week, it is probably not talking about just high temperatures.

– The nice weather will continue until Tuesday. When weakened low pressure a bit, and it becomes more unstable weather again. It is too early to say what the weather will on 17 May, says Grote.

& lt; p & gt; WARMER IN & # xc5; R,  MAYBE? It may be b & # xE5; warmer and  perhaps more exciting & # xE5; circuit on 17  May - here from the palace balcony p & # xE5;  National Day last year . & lt; / p & gt;

WARMER THIS YEAR, MAYBE? It can be both warmer and perhaps more exciting with this year’s May 17th – here from the palace balcony on the National Day last year.

Photo: Heiko Junge NTB scanpix

His colleague in StormGeo Roar Teigen, rejoice also over high pressure over Norway.

– We have a high pressure over us, who make this great weather. It now draws slowly southward, but replaced by a new relief. At best, it can be left out of the Pentecost weekend, said meteorologist Roar Teigen in StormGeo VG.

Read also : Ready for a dip?

products and goods

He creates month notice for customers in the energy industry – forecasts based on meteorological models from the European værsenteret in England. These alerts have liked better accuracy ahead of winter.

What seems certain is that the nice and warm spring weather we have now, is going to last through Wednesday and possibly Thursday. But from this increases the uncertainty.

Read also : Here are the hottest in the country!

& lt; p & gt; PENT BUT A BIT KJ & #  xD8; LIG LAST YEAR: How was v & # xE6; ret p  & # xE5; National Day last year. This is from  the city center. & lt; / p & gt;

PENT, BUT SOME COOL LAST YEAR: How was the weather at the National Day last year. Here from the city center.

Photo: Jon Olav Nesvold NTB scanpix

nordavind lurking

we have two options that look likely out: it is that we get a gradual transition to

nordavind in that it settles into a low pressure over the Baltic Sea and Finland, and a high pressure will remain the Norwegian Sea. Together, these could put up a fairly massive northerly winds which in that case will affect the country.

Some forecasts want this to be a pretty powerful northerly winds, which could provide precipitation as snow as far south as Trondelag. But Teigen did not believe in such harsh conditions:

– I think it will be a milder variant, if this occurs, so that we at least get precipitation as rain and not snow in the lowlands.

Read also : Northern Norway could be this year’s summer-winner

good weather to over Pentecost

But equally likely is it that we get a still solution with high pressure over southern Norway – which could last through the Whitsun weekend and on may 17th.

– In this case, we will retain the fine be we now have over southern Norway, Teigen.

Northern Norway, they are not affected by this – because the high pressure in any case not once so far north.

– this means that we have some changing weather and unstable weather throughout the period in northern Norway, says meteorologist Roar Teigen VG.

Allergic? Now comes the pollen season!

Here are the monthly forecasts:

Week 1 (9.-15. May): 55 percent probability of high pressure with associated dry and hot weather. Up to four degrees above normal. 30 percent chance that the high pressure remains in the ocean to the west and we get more unstable and cold weather into the Pentecost weekend and 17 May. Dry in the south, but it can get pretty wet in the north.

Week 2 (16 -22. May): Cooler. 40 percent probability of weak low pressure into the Northern Norway, providing wet in the north and somewhat drier in southern Norway. Until a few degrees below normal.

Week 3 and 4 (23 May-5. June) : Weak signals, but most likely high pressure and fair weather in week 3, and more Pressure characterized in week 4.


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