Saturday, May 7, 2016

Police hunt car passenger who would have charged with gun at … –

Several police units were involved in the search Saturday night. According to VG is the lack of new witness observations have led to the police has decided to end the search.

– We got the message that this observation had been made in time 19.31, and have searched for the car side. But we have not yet found it, and we have not received messages from others who have observed something similar, says Hågen Løvseth in Inland Police told the newspaper.

Incident in Gudbrandsdalslågen announced on Twitter that a passenger in a car was observed term end of gun against the head of the driver on the E6 between Ringebu and Otta.

the car is described as a dark green, foreign registered MPV.

the police have searched for car with both helicopters and cars .



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