Tuesday, May 3, 2016

On Friday, he lost CHC- colleagues Michele (44) and Olaf (57). Yesterday he flew … – Dagbladet.no

FLESLAND (Dagbladet): He had office day, Hans Petter room, safety representatives and CHC-pilot in the department at the airport when he heard about the helicopter accident at Turøy in Oslo on Friday.

the first thing he did was to contact the operations center, and get it confirmed that a helicopter had crashed. The extent he knew nothing about.

As it became clear: all 13 on board a Super Puma helicopter had died, including the two CHC pilots Michele Vimercati (44) and Olav Bastiansen ( 57).

– A resource person

– Michele Vimercati is a very open and social and personal, a very experienced pilot, says Living on his colleague.

safety representative takes care even in the use of the word ‘is’. It is still early after the accident, especially here at CHC.

– He had lots of hobbies that he was happy in and shared with us. He discussed mass with us, and we enjoyed discussing with him. He was very engaged, and a resource person here at the house. Had you any questions, you could always go to Michele, says Living.

Dagbladet Living in CHC premises at the airport. From the meeting room he sits in, look out onto the runway and four Sikorsky helicopters standing in a row.

– Highly skilled

Living, which has extensive experience as a helicopter pilot from air Force, pilot of the Sikorsky machines, a so-called S-92.

Bastiansen have room too much good to say about.

– He was a prominent figure in the company, a highly skilled trade unionist and very involved in flight safety. He was not only respected within the company but also internationally for this work. He had informed opinions, and stood for what he believed, says Living.

And just flight safety issues, there has been much speculation around after the accident occurred Friday.

“No acceptable for short cuts”

Living did not want to consider all the statements that have come, but is quite clear about what he thinks about CHC security regime, which he believes the company has in common with his time in the military.

– I had never left the Air Force if I had been in doubt about the company’s attitude regarding safety. I come from a culture in the military, as evidenced here. The attitude of the flight, the hold of the regulations and that there is “no acceptable for short cuts” are present here in CHC.

Already yesterday was living back in the cockpit, in S-92- machine. Two long trips was to Oseberg, Gullfaks and Statfjord area. If he was “fit for flight” was something he thought through carefully.

Thought carefully before he flew again

– Had I been in doubt, I had taken a “time out.” It is the acceptance here. On Sunday I thought carefully about whether I was going to fly or not, but when I put me on board the helicopter yesterday, I had no problems with it.

He does not want to characterize trips as special, but he was thinking about what had happened, admits he.

– on the other side is Watching drill and professional that you are focused on what they should do, says Living.

Although it has experienced pilot wife and children, an aspect of the pilot profession it is sometimes easy to forget.

– it should be taken into account also, he notes.

“Fit for flight”

On Friday, he was in CHC premises for the evening. When he was on his way home, called his wife and told that their twelve year old son had reacted strongly to the violent news.

When Living came home, came the son of twelve running toward him, with tears in his eyes and arms out. Father and son hugged each other, and had a long conversation.

– I said to him that he should never be in any doubt that I was not going to work if I’m not happy with this unless I feel “fit for flight”.

– There I repeated before the tours yesterday.

– Memories of the Air Force

but there is more in CHC who have not felt equally ready for new missions that room, according to the safety representative.

– and they have not felt “fit for flight” and asked to be taken off the mission, we have made it without questioning. It reflects the culture that is here, and that reminds me of the Air Force, one can report on things they are not satisfied with, no matter what it should have been, says Living.

Read about the victims, the investigation and the witnesses in helicopter special show.

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