Monday, May 16, 2016

Cyclist killed after collision with tractor – NRK

Police notified first about an accident between a bicycle and a tractor on Byneset at 1:51 p.m.. The time 2:19 p.m. came confirmation that one of the people involved had died.

– Anniversaries are a man of 70 years, said operations manager Ole Petter Hollingen NRK.

– the accident occurred in a complex swing

The accident occurred on county road 831, which extends around Byneset.

Photo: Øivind Olsson / NRK

the accident occurred on Hangerslettvegen, which is now closed while the police do their research.

– the accident happened in a confusing turn. Beyond it is the sequence of events is unknown. We have continued patrols who work at the site.

Relatives are cared for

It is unknown how many people were out biking together, but police said it should have been more.

– the cyclist is dead after collision with tractor. Exactly what happened we do not know yet, says operations Arnt Harald Aaslund NRK.

He said that the relatives of the deceased was nearby when it happened, and being cared for by crisis team.

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One person died in an accident on Byneset.

The matter is updated!


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