Saturday, May 7, 2016

Base Hopper stuck in the mountains of Sor-Trondelag for over four hours –

LATEST: Basejumper is now safely aboard the Sea King helicopter and being transported to St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim. It happens after rescue workers from the Alpine rescue group rappelled down to the man and secured him.

(Dagbladet): A base jumper stuck on the mountain Midtgarden in Snillfjord municipality in Sør-Trøndelag. Climbers from alpine rescue team had four down from the mountain to retrieve the man.

Remained semisolid

It was at 11.30 that emergency services received notification that a base jumper had slammed into the rock wall on the 150 meter high mountain Midtgarden. Crew from the police and a helicopter from the Norwegian air ambulance arrived at the site shortly after at 12. It was long uncertain how to bring down the man, who hung around 75 meters from the top.

The man remained partly fixed itself, but hung also for seals from the parachute.

The situation was described as critical, and rescue crews dared not initially use helicopters to bring down the man.

– scene commander and Norwegian air ambulance has made assessments, and they fear that the rotors creates so much wind that base jumper hanging in loosening, said operations manager Bjorn Handegard to Adresseavisa, which first publicized the event.

Will be collected by climbers

the time 14.00 arrived climbers from alpine Rescue group accident.

– They are transported to the top of the mountain by air ambulance. They will then rapellere down with a long line in an attempt to rescue the man, said operations manager Maja Sagen Dagbladet at 14.30 o’clock.

Rescue Group rapplerte down to the man, secured him in the mountains, before the Sea King helicopter was requisitioned lowered man up. The clock 15.54 tweeted South Trøndelag police that the man was safely aboard the helicopter.

He is now on his way to St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim. Operations Skagen could not say anything about what kind of injuries base jumper had suffered under the dramatic jump, but he shall have been in contact with someone on the phone and reported pain in one foot.

The case is updated.


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